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Xanthi, 26 Oct. 2005

  Original Published Works


1.    Sarafopoulos D.V., E. T. Sarris and G. P. Pavlos, Estimate of the Amplitude of Transient Electric Fields in the Magnetotail, Proceeding  Conf. Achievements  of   the   IMS  (International Magnetospheric  Study),  26-28  June  1984,  Graz,  Austria,  ESA SP-217, pp 177-180, 1984.

2.    Sarafopoulos D. V., and E. T. Sarris, Transient Field-Aligned Electric Fields inside the Plasma Sheet inferred from measurements of Energetic Particles, Planetary  and  Space Science, 35, 991-995, 1987.

3.    Sarafopoulos D. V., and E. T. Sarris, Inverse Velocity Dispersion of Energetic Particle bursts inside the Plasma Sheet, Planetary and Space Science, 36, 1181-1199, 1988.

4.    Sarafopoulos D. V., and E. T. Sarris, Substorm Associated Energetic ion (E45 keV) Flows at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer: A Dawn-Dusk Flow Reversal, Planetary and Space Science, 38, 1251-1266, 1990.

5.    Sarafopoulos D. V., and E. T. Sarris, Long-period standing Waves at the Plasma Sheet Boundary Layer Region Observed by ISEE-1, Annales Geophysicae, 9, 333-347, 1991.

6.    Sarafopoulos D. V., and E. T.  Sarris, Determination of the Primary Region of Access of Energetic Particles from their source in the Earth's Plasma Sheet, Annales Geophysicae, 9, 429-441, 1991.

7.    Sarafopoulos D. V., Simultaneous Observation of Pc 5 pulsations in the Dawn and Dusk Low-Latitude Boundary Layer, Annales Geophysicae, 11, 990-1010, 1993.

8.    Sarafopoulos D. V., and E. T.  Sarris, Quiet-time   Pc   5 Pulsations in the Earth's Magnetotail:  IMP-8, ISEE-1 and ISEE-3 Simultaneous Observations, Annales Geophysicae, 12, 121-138, 1994.

9.    Taktakishvili A.L., L. M. Zelenyi, E. T. Sarris, R. E. Lopez and D. V. Sarafopoulos, Temporal dispersion structures of proton and electron bursts in the  Earth's  magnetotail,  Planetary and Space Science, 41, 461-467, 1993.

10.          Belehaki A., H. Mavromichalaki, D. V. Sarafopoulos, and E. T. Sarris, Energy Dissipation during a small substorm, Annales Geophysicae, 13, 494-504, 1995.

11.          Sarafopoulos D.V., Long duration Pc 5 compressional pulsations inside the Earth's magnetotail lobes, Annales Geophysicae, 13, 926-937, 1995.

12.         Sarafopoulos D. V., E. T. Sarris, V. Angelopoulos, T. Yamamoto, and S. Kokubum, Spatial structure of the plasma sheet boundary layer at distances greater than 180 RE as derived from energetic particle measurements on GEOTAIL, Annales  Geophysicae, 15, 1246-1256, 1997.

13.          Sarafopoulos D. V., M. A. Athanasiou, E. T. Sarris, T.  Yamamoto, and S. Kokubum, Properties and origin of energetic particles at the duskside of the Earth’s magnetosheath throughout a great storm, Annales Geophysicae, 17, 1121-1133, 1999.

14.          Sarafopoulos, D. V., M. A. Athanasiu, D. G. Sibeck, R. W.  McEntire, E. T. Sarris, and S.  Kokubun, Energetic proton and electron dispersion signatures in the nightside magnetosheath supporting their leakage out of the magnetopause, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, 15,729-15,739, 2000.

15.          Sarafopoulos D. V., N. F. Sidiropoulos, E. T. Sarris, V. Lutsenko, and K. Kudela, The Dawn-dusk plasma sheet asymmetry of energetic particles: an INTERBALL perspective, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 13,053-13,067, 2001.

16.          Sarafopoulos D. V., K. Takahashi, and R. W. McEntire, Periodic variations of magnetosheath energetic electron flux associated with global Pc5 pulsations, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 13,037-13,053, 2001.

17.          Sarafopoulos D. V., Dispersive and repetitive Pc 5 mode microinjections in the inner magnetosphere, Geophysical Research Letters, 29, No 8, 10.1029/2001GL014067, four pages, 2002.

18.          Pavlos, G. P., M. A. Athanasiu, A. G. Rigas, D. V. Sarafopoulos, and E. T. Sarris, Geometrical characteristics of magnetospheric energetic ion time series: evidence for low dimensional chaos, Annales Geophysicae, 21, 1975-1993, 2003.

19.          Athanasiu, M.A., G. P. Pavlos, D. V. Sarafopoulos, and E. T. Sarris, Dynamical characteristics of magnetospheric energetic ion time series: evidence for low dimensional chaos, Annales Geophysicae, 21, 1995-2010, 2003.

20.          Sarafopoulos D. V., E. T. Sarris, and V. Lutsenko, Evidence for energetic electron and ion dispersive microinjections in the Earth’s magnetotail as far as 27 RE, Annales Geophysicae, 22, 527-535, 2004.

21.          Sarafopoulos D. V., Distinct solar wind pressure pulses producing convection twin-vortex systems in the ionosphere, Annales Geophysicae, 22, 2201-2211, 2004.

22.          Sarafopoulos D. V., Repetitive X-line Hall current structures over the dawnside ionosphere induced by successive exo-magnetosphere pressure pulses, Annales Geophysicae, 22, 4153-4163, 2004.

23.          Sarafopoulos D. V., Pseudo-Field Line Resonances in ground Pc5 pulsation events, Annales Geophysicae, 23, 593–608, 2005.

24.          Sarafopoulos D. V., A case study testing the cavity mode model of magnetosphere, Annales Geophysicae,, Vol. 23, pp 1867-1880, 28-7-2005.

25.          Sarafopoulos D. V., Cases for which the Earth’s magnetosphere does not act as a ”low-pass filter”, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics,  67, , 1427–1442, doi:10.1016/j.jastp.2005.07.012, 2005