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Up: GROUP 3 : Annealing
Previous: FINAl_temp T :
This flag starts n identical copies of a procedure aiming to determine a
suitable temperature (or temperature range) for all four annealing modes.
This we do as follows : the temperature is set to
a sufficiently remote (very high) value20of
T0 = 0.6250. The system is equilibrated at this temperature for
t=10000 time
steps and the mean value of the resulting R-factors (say,
) is saved. Then the
temperature is set to
T1 = T0/2 = 0.31250 and the procedure repeated up to and
T13 = 0.0000763 which will give us
. For every pair of average
, we calculate

and then we do a cubic spline interpolation
on the resulting

's and from that we determine the temperature T0 for

is maximum21. A graphical
representation of the results from this calculation are written in the file
(a postscript file, only produced when the keyword POSTSCRIPT is on).
- ... value20
- The probability of accepting a move against
the gradient is
exp(- |
R|/T). Now,
R| is the absolute value
of the difference between two values
of the conventional R factor and, so, takes values of the order of 10-1. For, say, T = 10,
the probability of accepting a move against the gradient is 0.990, ie practically all moves
are accepted and so the system is thermally disordered.
- ... maximum21
- The quantity

is analogous to the specific heat
from statistical mechanics. A large value of

T signifies that
a ``phase'' transition is occurring at the corresponding temperature, and so the
cooling rate should be as low as possible at this temperature range.
Next: CONStant :
Up: GROUP 3 : Annealing
Previous: FINAl_temp T :
NMG, January 2005