
plot is a small, simple and straightforward plotting program for GNU/Linux and MacOSX. plot may be useful to people that love working from within the unix shell, hate herding the mouse around, and need an extremely lightweight plotting program that can read standard input and can be used in unix pipelines. If you would like to be able to type things like

tac mydata.dat | awk '{print $17,$21,$23}' | plot

then keep reading.

The latest version of plot is always available from The distribution includes source code, documentation, and stand-alone executable images suitable for Linux (32 and 64bit) and MacOSX.

What is new in v.1.3 ?

▶ Large plots for large monitors : set the environmental variable LARGE_LABELS and enjoy the view.

plot can now do three-dimensional matrices, plotting them section-by-section. All sections must be in the same file and consecutive (without any delimiters). If you have a file containing, say, five sections, you say plot -s 5 -cc < and you will see the first section. Go through the sections with the up-down arrow keys. Go straight to the last or first section using the page-up and page-down keys.

Simple x-y plots

Assume that in your current working directory you have a file named test.dat that looks similar to this:

      1    1.2173867    0.2459091    0.5507475    0.6183485   -0.4544818 
      2    0.9720144    0.2384075    0.4928420    0.6118929   -0.6186663 
      3    1.3854682    0.0986380    0.3309616    0.6049060   -0.5773181 
      4    0.8326072    0.1529470    0.5178579    0.1137048   -0.8176309 
      5    1.1144494    0.1387347    0.3788721    0.6901881   -0.6738554 
      6    1.0761894    0.1671578    0.4417405    0.5298801   -0.6342929 
      7    1.0635194    0.3255146    0.5200086    0.5941858   -0.5775796 
 840000    0.1268556    0.6268260   -1.3321012   -0.2615094   -0.9369466

Please do note that the first column is monotonically increasing for this example. This is important because plot uses this property to determine whether it should prepare an x-y plot or a scatter plot (discussed later in this document).

If you type plot < test.dat you will get a simple x-y plot of the first two columns and you should see something like this :

alt Simple x-y plot with lines and labels

Even if the file contained just one column of data, plot would still prepare a simple x-y plot of that column (the x coordinate would be assigned to an integer ranging from one to the total number of data points).

Press the D key to draw points instead of lines :

alt Simple x-y plot with dots and labels

Press the L key to remove/re-add the labels :

alt Simple x-y plot with lines and labels

Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filtering

Press the S key to do Kolmogorov-Zurbenko (KZ) smoothing of the data :

alt Simple x-y plot with dots, labels and KZ filtering

While KZ filtering is active, you can increase or decrease the size of the averaging window by pressing the Z and X keys. See this animation for an illustration of the effect :

alt KZ filtering with different averaging windows

Exit the KZ filtering mode by pressing the key S again. Re-add the labels with the L key.

Zooming-in, zooming-out, moving around the plot

Use the PAGE-UP key to zoom-in, the PAGE-DOWN key to zoom-out, and the keyboard's arrow keys ( , , , ) to move around. If the number of data points in the plot is large, use a dots representation (D key) to make plotting go much faster :

alt Simple x-y plot with dots and zoomed-in

You can at any point add/remove the smoothing (Kolmogorov-Zurbenko) filter by pressing the S key :

alt Simple x-y plot with dots, zoomed-in, moved and KZ filter

Area of interest, getting the coordinates, and exiting

To select and area of interest of the plot, right-click with the mouse twice to select two (diagonally opposing) corners of a parallelogram that defines the area of interest (from example, click the right mouse button once to define the upper-left-hand corner of the area of interest and then click again the right mouse button to define the lower-right-hand corner) :

alt Simple x-y plot with dots, labels, KZ filtering and zoomed-in

To return to full zoom, right-click twice without moving the mouse (ie. with the cursor at the same position of the plot).

To get the coordinates of a point of the plot, left-click with the mouse. The coordinates will be printed in the unix shell.

Press the Q key to quit and return to shell.

Simple x-y plots with a column specification

Continuing with the previous example, assume that you have a file named test.dat in the current working directory whose contents look like this :

      1    1.2173867    0.2459091    0.5507475    0.6183485   -0.4544818 
      2    0.9720144    0.2384075    0.4928420    0.6118929   -0.6186663 
      3    1.3854682    0.0986380    0.3309616    0.6049060   -0.5773181 
      4    0.8326072    0.1529470    0.5178579    0.1137048   -0.8176309 
      5    1.1144494    0.1387347    0.3788721    0.6901881   -0.6738554 
      6    1.0761894    0.1671578    0.4417405    0.5298801   -0.6342929 
      7    1.0635194    0.3255146    0.5200086    0.5941858   -0.5775796 
 840000    0.1268556    0.6268260   -1.3321012   -0.2615094   -0.9369466

You can select specific columns that you want to plot either through the unix shell (for example, through awk), or directly from plot as follows.

If you type plot -k13 < test.dat you will get an x-y plot of columns 1 and 3 (the graph that follows was produced with the D key pressed) :

alt Simple x-y plot with dots, labels

Typing plot -k3 < test.dat would have produced the same graph.

Typing plot -k15 < test.dat would have plotted the 1st versus the 5th column.

You can, of course, feed any columns you like through the unix shell. For example

head -300000 test.dat | awk '{print $3}' | plot

will do exactly what you think it will (this is with D key pressed) :

alt Simple x-y plot with dots, labels

x-y plots with a standard deviations

If you have three columns of data of the form x y σ(y) where σ(y) is the standard deviation of y, you can tell plot to draw standard deviations. All you have to do is to include the flag -xydy in the command line. For example, typing plot -xydy < mydata.dat which will produce graphs similar to this (after pressing the D and F keys) :

alt x-y plots with standard deviations drawn

log and log-log plots

If your data are greater than zero you can produce log and log-log plots. If you want a simple log plot (natural logarithm of only the y values), you type:

plot -l < data.dat

If you want a log-log plot (natural logarithm of both the x and y columns), type:

plot -ll < data.dat

You can also do tricks like :

plot -lk13 < data.dat

which will plot column 1 (as is) versus the natural logarithm of column 3. Naturally, completely mystical things like

plot -llk52 < data.dat

will also work [the graph will show a log-log plot of columns 5 (along x) versus column 2 (along y)].

Plotting histograms and cumulative histograms

This is achieved by adding the -h command line flag. The flag -hk can be used to select specific columns. If you want cumulative histograms use the flag -hc (you can either use -hk or -hc, not both). The number of bins is determined automatically using the Freedman-Diaconis rule. Examples follow.

To make a histogram of the first 300000 values contained in the 5th column of the test.dat file :

head -300000 test.dat | awk '{print $5}' | plot -h

alt Simple histogram, no labels

Remove the labels (press again the L key), zoom-in using right mouse clicks to select region of interest, press D to remove line drawing :

alt Simple histogram, zoomed-in, no line drawing

Add labels and filled circles using the keys F and L :

alt Simple histogram, zoomed-in, labels and filled circles

Finally, use keys D and S to add a line drawing and to perform KZ filtering of the histogram :

alt Simple histogram, zoomed-in, labels, filled circles and KZ filtering

To make a histogram of the 3rd column of the test.dat file :

plot -hk3 < test.dat

alt Simple histogram, zoomed-in, labels, filled circles and KZ filtering

(this was produced after pressing the D and F keys).

To make a cumulative histogram of the 3rd column of the test.dat file :

awk '{print $3}' test.dat | plot -hc

alt Cumulative histogram, zoomed-in, labels

Saving the graph (plus the results from KZ filtering and histogram creation)

While viewing a graph, press the P key. This will save the current graphics window contents in a PPM (portable pixmap) file with the name plot.ppm. If the window contained a KZ filtering graph, the actual numbers corresponding to the KZ curve will be saved in the current directory in a file aptly named Kolmogorov_Zurbenko.dat whose contents will look like this :

# Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filtering with a half-width of 2
  -3.282762      132.247589
  -3.254144      191.820694
  -3.225526      282.352539
  -3.196908      483.616974
  -3.168289      804.197327
  -3.139671     1288.868042

This file can directly be re-plotted with plot < Kolmogorov_Zurbenko.dat, which after pressing the D and F keys will look similar to this :

alt KZ filtering re-plotted

If you liked the histogram that plot produced, you can save the actual (raw) histogram data. The trick for doing this is to re-run the program with the -hs flag included. For example, the line

awk '{print $3}' test.dat | plot -hs

will not only prepare the histogram of the third column of the file test.dat, but will also create (in the current working directory) a file named plot.histogram which will contain the raw data used by plot. Note that -hs can not be combined with a column selection via the -k flag.

Overlaying two x-y plots

To overlay x-y plots of the columns 1-2 and 1-3 from a file named test.dat type

plot -k123 < test.dat

which (with the D key pressed) would give something like this :

alt Overlaying two x-y plots

If you wanted to plot columns 1-4 and 1-3 you would have typed something like :

plot -k143 < test.dat

You can, of course, do everything from the shell as well :

head -300000 test.dat | awk '{print $1, $2, $3}' | plot

alt Overlaying two x-y plots from the shell

If the range of values in the two graphs is totally different, then the graphs produced will not be very informative. plot offers an option that allows autoscaling the second graph to fit the first by using the -a flag :

plot -a -k157 < test.dat

Compare the following two graphs (without and with the -a flag) :

alt Two x-y plots overlayed without autoscaling

alt Two x-y plots with autoscaling

Scatter plots

If the first column of data is not monotonically increasing, then plot will produce a scatter plot of the data. It will also produce two files containing the density (and log density) distribution of the data. These density distributions can be plotted with plot and are discussed in the section entitled "Density distribution of scatter plots".

In the case of a scatter plot the initial window will always be square (but you can change that by dragging the lower right-hand corner of the graphics window). Examples using directly plot or the unix shell follow (the key L for plotting labels works as expected).

plot -k23 < test.dat

will make a scatter plot of the data contained in the columns 2 and 3 of the file test.dat and will produce something like this :

alt Scatter plot

Notice how with such a large number of data points it is impossible to decide which area is the most populated (which explains the need for producing the density and log density distributions).

As always, you can feed the data directly through the shell :

tail -300000 test.dat | awk '{print -$4, $3}' | plot

alt Scatter plot from the shell

Overlaying two scatter plots

The same way that is used for overlaying two x-y plots can be used to overlay two scatter plots. The only difference is that you have to press the D key and that the initial window size is not a square.

Typing (using the example file shown previously)

plot -k234 < test.dat

and then pressing D and resizing the window gives

alt Overlay of two scatter plots

The -a (autoscaling) flag works with overlayed scatter plots as well.

Visually stepping through scatter plots

You can use the keys + and - to visually step through the data points of a scatter plot. A cyan-colored filled circle marks the position of the current point. The number at the lower left of the plot is the index of the data point being examined (numbering is one-based). This trick will not work with overlays of scatter plots.

alt Visually stepping through scatter plots

Scatter plots of categorical data

If you feed plot three columns of which the last one is a positive integer, then the program will assume that you want to make a scatter plot of categorical data for which the last column (the integer) corresponds to the distinct category. If, for example, you have a file categorical.dat that looks like this :

   0.8432983 -1.43133 4
   1.0084537 -1.52106 4
   1.0654017 -1.45657 4
   1.2062296 -1.45543 4
   0.8585105  0.14749 3
   0.7107394 -0.09076 3
   0.0588823 -0.25332 5

and you type plot < categorical.dat you will get something like this :

alt Scatter plots of categorical data

Individual colors represent the various categories but you do not get a unique color for each category unless you have less than eight categories. If the number of categories is eight or more, then plot will cycle through the same set of colors. The order of colors is : "1" → Green, "2" → Yellow, "3" → Blue, "4" → Magenta, "5" → Cyan, "6" → Red, "7" → White, "8" → Green, etc.

This type of plot is only useful with big data sets with clear connectivity (it is very difficult to discern colors of isolated pixels that are randomly scattered).

Density distribution of scatter plots

When plot draws a scatter plot, it will automatically prepare (in the current directory) two new files with the names density.matrix and density.log.matrix. These are straight ASCII files containing two-dimensional matrices that look similar to this :

   0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        2        1    .....
   0        0        0        0       71     1077      226       22       15       32    .....
   0        0        0        0     1872    10349     1605      118       28       97    .....
   0        0        0       11     2253     4056      883      458      133      111    .....
   0        0        7      750     1192      583      665      601      197      121    .....
   0        0      302     3644     1351     1260    12106     3915     1243     1142    .....
   0        0      144     1156      606     5894    18602     8256     5176     2786    .....
   0        2      775      948     1291     4266     4044     3620     3504     1744    .....
   0       20     1512     1883     4182     1582      559      594      660      412    .....
   0        2      128      341     1269      646      115       58       98      166    .....
   0        0        6     2461     6844      712      104       18      103      174    .....
   0        0       11     4218     6837     1884      691       82       74      106    .....
   0        0        1      322     1182     1581      511       59       28       18    .....
   0        0        0        3       38      108      286      163      119      161    .....
   0        0        0        0        0       28      171      129      407     1604    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        1       20       57      384     3866    .....
   0        0        0        0        0       14        9       41      232     1652    .....
   0        0        0        0        1       21      136      162      191      534    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        6      113      288      475      354    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        2      213     4276     7353     3331    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        0      568    27620    36587     9296    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        0       12     2803     6611     1955    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0       28       19    .....
   0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0        0    .....

The numbers correspond to the density distribution of the scatter plot. As will be discussed later, you can plot these matrices directly with plot by saying something like plot -cc < density.matrix or plot -cc < density.log.matrix which will give you graphs similar to those (log density to the right) :

alt Density and log density matrices' plots

If you feel that the grid selected by plot is too coarse for the resolution that you need for your application, you can tell plot to produce the same matrices on a significantly more fine grid by adding the -f flag :

plot -f -k23 < test.dat

The resulting matrices will have a higher resolution, but will also be significantly more noisy :

alt Density and log density matrices on a finer grid' plots

Matrix plotting

plot can draw matrices using (a) contours, (b) a color representation, or, (c) a combination of both. The nice thing about plot is that it uses bicubic interpolation which allows it to draw even tiny matrices. The matrices plot expects to read are simple ASCII files containing the formatted matrix and nothing else (no header lines, no indices, no dimensions, no nothing, just the matrix). A valid example of a 4x4 matrix would look like this :

   1  2  1  1
   0  4  3  1
   1  2  1  0
   0  0  1  2

Assuming that the 4x4 matrix shown above is contained in a file named matrix.dat, typing

plot -cc < matrix.dat

will give a color representation like this one :

alt Matrix plotted using color

The color representation that plot uses ranges from dark blue (minimum), through yellow, to dark red (maximum).

Press the C key and plot will overlay a contour representation. The program's default is to draw the first contour at (μ+σ/2) and then successive contours every (σ/2), where (μ) is the mean of the matrix and (σ) is the RMSD. If you want the contours to cover the whole dynamic range of the matrix, press the N key and you should see something like this :

alt Matrix plotted using color and contours

The thick line is at (μ), contours every (σ/2), contours below mean are drawn dotted. The keys - and + can change the interval for contour plotting : If you press the - key contours will be drawn at double the previous interval. If you press the + key contours will be drawn at half the last interval. To make this clear : If -starting from the default- you press the - key twice, you will be seeing contours drawn at every 2σ [which is the default (0.5σ) multiplied by a factor of 2 twice]. Conversely, and if starting from the default, you press the + key twice, you will be seeing contours drawn every 0.125σ [which is the default (0.5σ) divided by a factor of 2 twice).

Matrix plotting with contours

Continuing with the same example as above, typing

plot -c < matrix.dat

will produce a contour-only representation (this is after pressing the key + a couple of times :

alt Matrix plotted using contours only

The keys N, + and - work exactly as described in the previous section.

Matrices : zooming-in, zooming-out and getting the coordinates.

To zoom-in on a matrix place the cursor at the point that you want to zoom-in and then press the key Z:

alt Zooming-in on matrices

Zooming-in on matrices has a depth of only one level (you can not zoom-in again).

To zoom-out press the Z key again.

To get the coordinates of a point place the cursor at that point and left-click with the mouse. The program will report the fractional coordinates of that point (values range from 0.0 to 1.0 both along x and y) as well as the interpolated matrix value at that point. The program will not report coordinates while in zoom-in mode.

Matrices : saving the bicubic interpolation

If for some reason you want to obtain a copy of the actual interpolated data that plot used for drawing the matrix, you are in business. Type

plot -cv < my_matrix.dat

and plot will write in the current directory a file named bicubic.dat which will contain the interpolated data in the form of a (rather large) matrix.

Matrices : plotting a submatrix

You can use plot to draw a portion of the matrix given in standard input. If you want to draw a sub-matrix with dimensions (Dx,Dy) which starts at position (x0,y0) of the full matrix, use something like this:

plot -ccsDx,Dy,x0,y0 < full.matrix

Note that there must be no spaces in the flag. The combinations

plot -csDx,Dy,x0,y0 < full.matrix


plot -cvsDx,Dy,x0,y0 < full.matrix

also work as expected. The coordinates of the origin (x0,y0) are one-based.

Miscellaneous flags

Setting the range along y for x-y plots

To manually set the range along y for an x-y plot use something like this :

plot -r -0.20 3.45 < mydata.dat

Setting the range along z for matrix plotting

To manually set the range along z for a matrix plot use something like this :

plot -r -2.0 6.0 -cc < mymatrix.dat

This will only affect the color representation, the contours will remain unchanged.

Setting the bin width for histogram plotting

To manually set the width of the bins for plotting histograms use something like this :

plot -r 0.5 0 -hk2 < mydata.dat

The first number after the -r flag (0.5 in this case) is the bin width. The second number (zero in this case) will be ignored but it is nevertheless necessary.

log plot for matrices

If you want to plot the logarithm of the values of a matrix (assuming they are all greater than zero), use the -l flag described previously :

plot -lcc < mymatrix.dat


plot -lc < mymatrix.dat


Yet another plotting program ? Why ? Because I had enough. After two hours of Google-ing, it appeared faster to write it, than to find it: I was looking for a really simple and straightforward x-y plotting program that you could just tell it (from the command line) “plot thisfile” (or even better “plot < thisfile”) and would just go ahead and produce a nice and simple x-y plot (xmgr was my favorite, but it is getting harder and harder to move it to new machines). All programs I found needed half a dozen libraries to get them started, and most of them needed quite a lot of mouse herding around the desktop. So, I gave-up and wrote it. On its way to the present time, plot acquired the ability to draw histograms, contours & pseudo-color representations of matrices, etc., but these were not part of the original plan …


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                               Copyright © Nicholas M Glykos
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