Democritus University of Thrace

School of Engineering

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Sector of Telecommunications and Space Science

Microwaves Laboratory









Teaching Activity


1. Undergraduate Courses

1.1 Previous Years

1988/89 – 1992/93:
"COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Ι", compulsory course, 7th semester of Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (ECE) of DUTh (5 times).

1989/90 – 1994/95:
"RADIOWAVE PROPAGATION", elective course, 9th semester (1989/90-1993/94) και 8th semester (1994/95) of ECE of DUTh (6 times).

1990/91 – 1991/92:
"ECOLOGY OF ENVIRONMENT", elective course, 1st semester, of ECE of DUTh (2 times).

1991/92 – 1992/93:
"SYNTAX OF STUDIES AND TECHNICAL REPORTS", elective course, 5th semester, of ECE of DUTh (2 times).

1993/4 – 1999/00:
"MOBILE TELEPHONY", elective course, 9th semester of Electronic specialization area, of ECE of DUTh (7 times).

"MICROWAVES", compulsory course, 8th semester of ECE of DUTh (1 time).


1996/97 – 2009/10:
"ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY", elective course, 9th semester of Electronic specialization area (1996-2000) and of Telecommunications specialization area (2000-2010), of ECE of DUTh (14 times).


"APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETISM", elective course, 6th semester of Electronic specialization area of ECE of DUTh (1 time).


2009/10 – 2011/12:
"APPLIED THERMODYMAMICS», elective course, 1st semester of basic core of ECE of DUTh (3 timea).


1.2 Running Years

1995/96 – today:
"TRANSMISSION AND PROPAGATION OF RADIOWAVES", elective course, 8th semester of Electronic specialization area (1995/96 – 1998/99) /7th semester of Telecommunications specialization area of ECE of DUTh(21 times).

2000/01 – today:
"MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS", elective course, 9th semester of Telecommunications specialization area of ECE of DUTh (15 times).

1999/00 – today:
"DESIGN OF COMMUNICATION LINKS", elective course, 9th semester of Telecommunications specialization area of ECE of DUTh (17 times).

2011/12 – today:
"PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION LINK SYSTEMS", elective course, 6st semester of basic core of ECE of DUTh (4 times).

2013/14 – todat:
"ANTENNAS I: ANALYSIS", elective course, 7th semester of Telecommunications specialization area of ECE of DUTh (2 times).



2. Postgraduate Courses (under choice for specific semesters)

1995 – today:

"WIRED AND WIRELESS COMMUNICATION LINKS", for specialization field of Communication Systems and Networks, of ECE of DUTh.

1999 – today:

"ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCES AND IMMUNITY (EMI/EMC)", for specialization field of Communication Systems and Networks, of ECE of DUTh.

2014 - today:

"ADVANCED PROPAGATION TOPICS IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION CHANNELS", for specialization field of Communication Systems and Networks, of ECE of DUTh.


2014 - today:

"ADVANCED ANTENNA TOPICS", for specialization field of Communication Systems and Networks, of ECE of DUTh.