ÓôÝöáíïò Ç. ÓðÜñôáëçò


Ïé êÜôùèé åñåõíçôÝò–åðéóôÞìïíåò áíáöÝñïíôáé óôï äçìïóéåõìÝíï åñåõíçôéêü ìïõ Ýñãï Þ ÷ñçóéìïðïé-ïýí áðïôåëÝóìáôá ôùí åñãáóéþí ìïõ:

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.1 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CORSINI Piergiulio,“Prolegomena of hypergroup theory”, Aviani Editore 1992.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.2 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. BAYON R., LYGEROS N., “Les hypergroupes d’ ordre 3”, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2006.

2. CORSINI Piergiulio,“Prolegomena of hypergroup theory”, Aviani Editore 1992.

3. LYGEROS Nicos,“Les hypergroupes d’ordre 3”, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, N.20, p.223-236 (2006).

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.3 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. AMERI R., SHAFIIYAN N..“Fuzzy prime and primary hyperideals of hyperrings” Advances in Fuzzy Mathematics,Volume : 2, Issue : 1& 2 (2007).

2. CORSINI Piergiulio, “Prolegomena of hypergroup theory”, Aviani Editore 1992.

3. CORSINI Piergiulio, LEOREANOU Violeta,“Applications of Hyperstructures Theory”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2002.

4. DAVVAZ B., SALASI A.,“A realization of hyperrings”, Communications in Algebra, Vol.34, Issue12, p.4389-4400 (2006).

5. DRAMALIDES A.,“Dual Hv-rings” Rivista di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, N.17, 125-137, 1995.

6. PROCESI Rita – ROTA Rosaria, “On some classes of hyperstructures”, Discrete Mathematics 208-209, p.485-497 (1999).

7. VOUGIOUKLIS Thomas,“Hyperstructures and their Representations”, Hadronic Press U.S.A. 1994.

8. ZAHEDI MOHAMMAD MAHDI and AMERI REZA,“On Fuzzy Multiplicative Hyperideals”, VI IFSA World Congress, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Voll. II., (1995), 447-450.

9. RASOVIC Sanja Jan, “On hyperrings associated with binary relations. On semihypergroup”, Italian Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, N.30, p.279-288.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.4 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. BAYON R., LYGEROS N.,“Categories specifiques d’hypergroupes d’ordre 3”, Structure Elements of Hyper-structures (Proceedings), Spanidis Press 2005, p.17-33.

2. BAYON R., LYGEROS N., “Advanced results in enumeration of hyperstructures”, Journal of Algebra 320, p. 821-835 (2008).

3. GUTSAN Cornelia,“Les hypergroups et les Hv-groups tres fins”, Rivista di Matematica pura ed Applicata, N.15 (1994), 111-127.

4. GUTSAN Cornelia, “On very thin hyperrings”, Fifth Int. Congres on AHA, Hadronic Press, p.153-162, 1994.

5. GUTSAN Cornelia,“Extensions des semigroupes associees a certains semihypergroups tres fins”, Sixth int. Congress on AHA, Dem. Univ. of Thrace Press 1996, p.43-52.

6. GUTSAN Cornelia,“Les hypertreillis tres fins”, Ratio Mathematica 12, p.3-18 (1997).

7. GUTSAN Cornelia,“Les hypergroupoides tres fins”, Bollettino U.M.I. (7) 11-A, p.173-179 (1997).

8. ARIMIAN M., DAVVAZ B.,“On the y-cyclic hypergroups”, Communications in Algebra, Vol.34, Issue12, p.4579-4589 (2006).

9. KEHAGIAS A., SERAFIMIDIS S.,“The L-fuzzy Nakano hypergroup”, Information Sciences 169, p.305-327 (2005).

10. LYGEROS Nicos,“Categories specifiques d’hypergroupes d’ordre 3”, Structure elements of hyper-structures, Spanidis Press(ISBN 960-88078-7-5), p17-33 (2005).

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.5 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CHVALINA J.,HOSKOVA S., “Abelizations of weakly associative hyperstructures based on their direct squares”, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis, Vol. 11, No1, p.11-23 (2003).

2. CORSINI Piergiulio, “Prolegomena of hypergroup theory”, Aviani Editore 1992.

3. CORSINI Piergiulio, LEOREANOU Violeta, “Applications of Hyperstructures Theory”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2002

4. DARAFSHEH M.R., DAVVAZ B., “HV-ring of fractions”, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, N.5, p.25-34, 1999.

5. DAVVAZ B., “Weak Polygroups”, Proc. of 28th AIMC, Tabriz University, p.139-145, 1997.

6. DAVVAZ B., “Rough sets in a fundamental ring”, Bulletin of the Italian Mathematical Society. Vol. 24, No 2, p.49- 61, 1998.

7. DAVVAZ B., “On Hv-rings and Fuzzy Hv-ideals”, The Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics, Vol. 6, No 1, p.33-42, 1998.

8. DAVVAZ B., “Hv-Ring of Fractions”, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, No 5, p. 25-34, 1999.

9. “DAVVAZ B., Remarks on weak hypermodules”, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 36, No 3, p.599-608, 1999.

10. DAVVAZ B., “HV-Near Rings”, Mathematica Japonica 52, No 3, p. 387-392, 2000.

11. DAVVAZ B.,“Some Results on Congruences on Semihypergroups”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (Second Series), 23, p. 53-58, 2000.

12. DAVVAZ B.,“On polygroups and permutation polygroups”, The Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics (2001), 25, p.87-95.

13. DAVVAZ B., “Weak Equality and Exact Sequences in HV-modules”, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 25 (2001), p.403-311.

14. DAVVAZ B.,“Some results on congruences in semihypergroups”, Bull. Malays. Math. Soc.(2), 23 (2000) No.1, 53-58.

15. DAVVAZ B.,“Fuzzy Hv-submodules”, FUZZY Sets and Systems 117(2001), p.477-484.

16. DAVVAZ B.,“On Polygroups and Weak polygroups”, The Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 25, p. 87-95, 2001.

17. DAVVAZ B.,“Approximations in HV-modules”, Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 6(4), p.499-505, 2002.

18. DAVVAZ B.,“A Study on the Structure of Hv-near-ring modules”, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2003.

19. DAVVAZ B.,“A Brief Survey of the Theory of HV-structures”, Proc. of 8thInternat. Congress ÁÇÁ 2002, p.39-70, 2003.

20. DAVVAZ B.,“Fuzzy sub-rings of Fundamental Rings”, Journal of Korea Soc. Math. Educ., Ser. B: Pure Appl. Math., Vol.11, p.127-132, 2004.

21. DAVVAZ B., DUDEK W.A., JUN Y.B., “Intuitionistic fuzzy HV-submodules”, Information Sciences, 176(3), p.285-300, 2006.

22. DAVVAZ B. and GHADIRI M.,“Weak Equality and Exact Sequences in Hv-modules”, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol.25, N.3, p.403-411, 2005.

23. DAVVAZ B., KARIMIAN M., “On the ãn-complete Hypergroups and KH-Hypergroups”, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series), Vol.24, No11, p. 1901-1908, (2008).

24. DAVVAZ B., VOUGIOUKLIS T.,“Commutative Rings Obtained from Hyperrings (Hv-rings) with a*-Relations”, Communications in Algebra, Vol.35, Issue11, p.3307-3320, 2007.

25. DEHGHAN NEZHAD A., DAVVAZ B.,“An introduction to the theory of HV-semilattices”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society(2),No 32(3), p.375-390, 2009

26. DRAMALIDES A.,“Dual Hv-rings” Rivista di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, N.17, 125-137, 1995.

27. FRENI Domenico, “A new characterization of the derived hypergroup via strongly regular equivalences”, Communications in Algebra, 30(8), p.3977-3989, 2002.

28. GHADIRI M. and DAVVAZ B.,“Direct System and Direct Limit of HV-modules”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A, Vol. 28, No A2, 2004.

29. HOSKOVA Sarka, CHVALINA Jan, “Abelizations of proximal Hv-rings using graphs of good homomorphisms and diagonals of direct squares of hyperstructures”, Proc. of 8th Int. Congress on AHA (2003), p.147-158.

30. IRANMANESH A., IRADMUSA M.,“Hv-structures associated with generalized P-hyperoperations”, Bull. Of the Iranian Mathematical Siciety, Vol.24, No. 1, p.33-45, 1998.

31. IRANMANESH A., IRADMUSA M., “Complement of an F-Hyperoperation”, Algebras Groups and Geometries, N.18, p.43-52, 2001.

32. IRANMANESH A., IRADMUSA M., “Hv-structures associated with nF-hyperoperations n=1,2,3”, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, N.12, p.197-208, 2002.

33. IRANMANESH A., TAVAKOLI R., “The isomorphism of F[H]/ã* and F”,Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, N.14, p.183-190, 2003.

34. KEHAGIAS A.,“An example of L-fuzzy join space”, Rendicondi del Circolo Matem. del Palermo, Vol.51, p.503-526, 2002.

35. KEHAGIAS A. “Lattice-fuzzy meet and Join Hyperoperations”, Proc. of 8th Int. Congress on AHA (2003), p.171-182,

36. KEHAGIAS A., KONSTANTINIDOU M.,“Lattice-ordered join space: an Applications-Oriented Example”, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (to appear).

37. KEHAGIAS A., SERAFIMIDIS S.,“The L-fuzzy Nakano hypergroup”, Information Sciences 169, p.305-327, 2005.

38. KEHAGIAS A., SERAFIMIDIS S., “Multi-valued Connectives for Fuzzy Sets”, The Computing Research Repository, CoRR cs.OH/0306033: (2003).

39. MIGLIORATO Renato, “Fundamental relation on non-associative Hypergroupoids”, Italian Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, N.6, p.147-160, 1999.

40. PROCESI Rita – ROTA Rosaria, “On some classes of hyperstructures”, Discrete Mathematics 208-209, p.485-497, 1999.

41. SERAFIMIDIS K., KEHAGIAS A.,“Some remarks on congruences obtained from the L-fuzzy Nakano hyperoperation”, Information Sciences, Volume 176, Issue 3, p. 301-320, 2006.

42. SERAFIMIDIS K.,KONSTANTINIDOU M. and KEHAGIAS A.“The L-fuzzy Nakano “hyperlattice””, Proc. of 8th Int. Congress on AHA2002 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), p.239-250, 2003.

43. STEFANESCU Mirela,“Constructions of hyperfields and hyperrrings”, STUDII SI CERCETARI STIINTIFICE, Seria: MATEMATICA, REVISTA Nr.16Supplement, ISSN 1224-2519, p.563-571, 2006.

44. VOUGIOUKLIS Thomas,“Hyperstructures and their Representations”, Hadronic Press U.S.A. 1994.

45. VOUGIOUKLIS Thomas, “Hv-vector spaces”, Algebraic hyperstructures and Appl., Hadronic Press USA, p.181-190, 1994.

46. VOUGIOUKLIS Thomas, “Hv-modulus with external P-hyperoperations”, Algebraic hyperstructures and Appl., Hadronic Press USA, p.191-197, 1994.

47. ZHAN J.M., DUDEK W.A.,“Interval valued intuitionistic (S,T)-fuzzy Hv –submodules”, Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series 22 (4), p. 963-970, 2006.

48.ZHAN Jianming and TAN Zhisong, “Approximations in Hyperquasigroups”, J. Applied Mathematics & Computing, Vol.21, No. 1-2, p.485-494, 2006.

49. BAYON R., LYGEROS N.,“Advanced results in enumeration of hyperstructures”, Journal of Algebra320, p. 821-835, 2008.

50. HOSKOVA Sarka,“Abelization of Quasi-Hypergroups, Hv-Rings and Transposition Hv-Groups as a Categorial Reection, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 1, (2007).

51. HOSKOVA Sarka, “ Abelization of hyperstructures as categorial reection, Third Conf. on Math. and Physics at Technical Universities, Military Academy Brno, Proceedings of Contributions, MA Brno, ISBN 80-85960-51-6, p. 61-67, Czech Republic, (2003).

52. DAVVAZ B.,“A new view of fundamental relations on hyperrings (A survey)”, Proc. of 10th Internat. Congress ÁÇÁ2008 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applicati-ons), Union of Chech Mathematicians and Physicists and University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, p.11-16, 2008.

53. GHADIRI M., WAPHARE B., “n-ary P-HV-Groups”, Journal of Appl. Math. & Informatics, No 5-6, p. 945-959, 2008.
54. RASOULI S., HEIDARI D. And DAVVAZ B., “β-relations on implicative bounded hyper BCK-algebras”, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 39(4), p.461-469, 2010.

55. AMERI R., NOZARI T.,“Term Functions and Fundamental Relation of Fuzzy Hyperalgebras”, Ratio Matematica. No 20, p. 43-65, 2010.
56. GHADIRI M., WAPHARE B., “n-ary P-HV-Groups”, Journal of Appl. Math. & Informatics, No 5-6, p. 945-959, 2008.

57. ZHAN J.M., DAVVAZ B., CORSINI P., “On Intuitionistic (S, T)-Fuzzy Hv-Sub-modules of Hv-Modules”, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 36: 589–601, 2012.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.6 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CHVALINA J., HOSKOVA S.,“Abelizations of weakly associative hyperstructures based on their direct squares”, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis, Vol. 11, No1, p.11-23 (2003).

2. DAVVAZ B., “Remarks on weak hypermodules”, Bull. Korean Math. Soc. 36, No 3, p.599-608 (1999).

3. DAVVAZ B.,“HV-Near Rings”, Mathematica Japonica 52, No 3, p. 387-392 ( 2000).

4. DAVVAZ B.,“Some Results on Congruences on Semihypergroups”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (Second Series), 23, p. 53-58 (2000).

5. DAVVAZ B.,“Weak Equality and Exact Sequences in HV-modules”, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 25 (2001), p.403-311.

6. DAVVAZ B.,“Some results on congruences in semihypergroups”, Bull. Malays. Math. Soc. (2), 23 (2000) No. 1, 53-58.

7. DAVVAZ B., “A Study on the Structure of Hv-near-ring modules”, Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2003.

8. DAVVAZ B.,“Isomorphism Theorems of Hyperrings” Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 35(3), p.321-331, 2004.

9. DAVVAZ B., “A Brief Survey of the Theory of HV-structures”, Proc. of 8thInternat. Congress ÁÇÁ2002 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), p.39-70 (2003).

10. DAVVAZ B.,“Isomorphism theorems of hyperrings”, Indian Journal of Pure and Appl. Mathematics, 53(3), p.321-331 (2004).

11. DAVVAZ B., DUDEK W.A.,“Intuitionistic fuzzy HV-ideals”, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.2006, p. 1-11, 2006.

12. DAVVAZ B. and GHADIRI M.,“Weak Equality and Exact Sequences in Hv-modules”, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, Vol.25, N.3, p.403-411 (2005).

13. DAVVAZ B., IRANMANESH M.A., FARSHI M.,“Matroid Hypergroups Defined On The Same Set”, journal of inst, of Math. & Comp.Sci. (Math. Ser.), Vol. 14, No. 2 (2001), p.87-95.

14. DAVVAZ B., SALASI A.,“A realization of hyperrings”, Communications in Algebra, Vol.34, Issue12, p.4389-4400 (2006).

15. DEHGHAN NEZHAD A., DAVVAZ B.,“An introduction to the theory of HV-semilattices”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society(2),No 32(3), p.375-390 (2009).

16. GHADIRI M. and DAVVAZ B.,“Direct System and Direct Limit of HV-modules”, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transaction A, Vol. 28, No A2 (2004).

17. HOSKOVA Sarka, CHVALINA Jan,“Abelizations of proximal Hv-rings using graphs of good homomorphisms and diagonals of direct squares of hyperstructures”, Proc. of 8th Int. Congress on AHA (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), (2003), p.147-158.

18. IRANMANESH A., IRADMUSA M.,“Hv-structures associated with generalized P-hyperoperations”, Bull. Of the Iranian Mathematical Siciety, Vol.24, No. 1, p.33-45 (1998).

19. IRANMANESH A., IRADMUSA M.,“Hv-structures associated with nF-hyperoperations n=1,2,3”, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, N.12, p.197-208 ( 2002).

20. MIGLIORATO Renato,“Fundamental relation on non-associative Hypergroupoids”, Italian Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, N.6, p.147-160 (1999).

21. PROCESI Rita – ROTA Rosaria,“Multiplicative HV-rings and complementary htperstructures”, Journal of Descrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol.11, No 4, p. 447-456 (2008).

22. VOUGIOUKLIS Thomas, “On Hv-rings and Hv-representations”, Discrete Mathematics, 209, p.615-620 (1999).

23. YATRAS Constantinos,“Characteristic of M-polysymmetrical Hyperrings and some properties of M-polysymmetrical hyperrings”, Bull. of the Greek Math. Soc., Vol. 38, p.115-125 (1996).

24.HOSKOVA Sarka,“Abelization of Quasi-Hypergroups, Hv-Rings and Transposition Hv-Groups as a Categorial Reection, Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 3, No. 1, (2007).

25. GHADIRI M., WAPHARE B., “n-ary P-HV-Groups”, Journal of Appl. Math. & Informatics, No 5-6, p. 945-959, 2008.

26. YAO Bing-xue, “Progress in Research of hyper-Algebraic Structures”, Journal of Liaocheng University, Vol. 21, No. 1, p.17-20, 2008.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.7 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. BAYON R., LYGEROS N.,“Categories specifiques d’hypergroupes d’ordre 3”, Structure Elements of Hyper-structures (Proceedings), Spanidis Press 2005, p.17-33.

2. BAYON R., LYGEROS N.,“Advanced results in enumeration of hyperstructures”, Journal of Algebra 320, p. 821-835 (2008).

3. GUTSAN Cornelia, “Les hypergroups et les Hv-groups”, Rivista di Matematica pura ed Applicata, N.15 (1994).

4. GUTSAN Cornelia,“On very thin hyperrings”, Fifth Int. Congres on AHA, Hadronic Press 1994.

5. GUTSAN Cornelia,“Extensions des semigroupes associees a certains semihypergroups tres fins”, Sixth int. Congress on AHA, Dem. Univ. of Thrace Press 1996, p.43-52.

6. GUTSAN Cornelia,“Les hypertreillis tres fins”, Ratio Mathematica 12, p.3-18 (1997).

7. GUTSAN Cornelia,“Les hypergroupoides tres fins”, Bollettino U.M.I.(7) 11-A, p.173-179 (1997)

8. KARIMIAN M., DAVVAZ B.,“On the y-cyclic hypergroups”, Communications in Algebra, Vol.34, Issue12, p.4579-4589 (2006).

9. KEHAGIAS A., SERAFIMIDIS S.,“The L-fuzzy Nakano hypergroup”, Information Sciences 169, p.305-327 (2005).

10. LYGEROS Nicos, “Categories specifiques d’hypergroupes d’ordre 3”, Structure elements of hyper-structures, Spanidis

Press (ISBN 960-88078-7-5), p17-33 (2005).

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.8 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. ANTAMPOUFIS N.,“Widening Complex Number Addition”, Structure Elements of Hyper-structures (Proceedings), Spanidis Press 2005, p.5-15.

2. BAYON R., LYGEROS N., “Advanced results in enumeration of hyperstructures”, Journal of Algebra 320, p. 821-835 (2008).

3. BAYON R., LYGEROS N., “The Hyperrings of Order 3”, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 11 (2008).

4. CORSINI Piergiulio, LEOREANOU Violeta,“Applications of Hyperstructures Theory”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2002.

5. DAVVAZ B.,“A Brief Survey of the Theory of HV-structures”, Proc. of 8thInternat. Congress ÁÇÁ2002 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), p.39-70 (2003).

6. DEHGHAN NEZHAD A., DAVVAZ B.,“An introduction to the theory of HV-semilattices”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society(2),No 32(3), p.375-390 (2009).

7. IRANMANESH A., TAVAKOLI R.,“The isomorphism of F[H]/ã* and F”,Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, N.14, p.183-190 (2003).

8. KEHAGIAS A.,“An example of L-fuzzy join space”, Rendicondi del Circolo Matematico del Palermo, Vol.51, p.503-526 (2002).

9. KEHAGIAS A. “L-fuzzy Meet and Join Hyperoperations”(2002), Proc. of 8th Conference on Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, Samothraki, 2002.

10. KEHAGIAS A. “Lattice-fuzzy meet and Join Hyperoperations”, Proc. of 8th Int. Congress on AHA (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), (2003), p.171-182.

11. KEHAGIAS A., KONSTANTINIDOU M.,“Lattice-ordered join space: an Applications-Oriented Example”, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (to appear).

12. SERAFIMIDIS K.,KONSTANTINIDOU M. and KEHAGIAS A.,“The L-fuzzy Nakano “hyperlattice””, Proc. of 8th Int. Congress on AHA2002 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), p.239-250 (2003).

13. VOUGIOUKLIS Thomas, “On Hyperstructures obtained by Attaching Elements”, Proc. of the Internat. Congress “Constantin Caratheodory in his...origins”, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor U.S.A., p. 197-206 (2001).

14. VOUGIOUKLIS Thomas,“Attach, remove, absorb and merge elements”, Proc. of 8thInternat. Congress ÁÇÁ2002 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications),p. 251-260 (2003).

15. VOUGIOUKLIS Thomas, “Finite HV-structures and their representations”, Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico di Messina, Serie II, Tomo XXV, Volume n. 9, p. 245-265 (2003).

16. VOUGIOUKLIS Thomas,“Hypermatrix representations : The problem and the open problems”, Proc. of 10th Internat. Congress ÁÇÁ2008 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applicati-ons), Union of Chech Mathematicians and Physicists and University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, p.11-16, 2008.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.9 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1.SERAFIMIDIS Karolos, KONSTANTINIDOU Maria,“Some properties and the distributivity of the (P,Q)-Superlattice”, Intern. Congress on Applied Differential Geometry and General Relativity, 2001 (to appear).

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.10 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. DAVVAZ B.,“A Brief Survey of the Theory of HV-structures”, Proc. of 8th Internat. Congress ÁÇÁ 2002 (Algebraic Hyperstru-ctures and Applications), p.39-70 (2003).

2. DAVVAZ B.,“ “Extensions of fuzzy hyperideal in HV-semigroups”, Soft computing 11(9), 2007, p. 829-83.

3. DEHGHAN NEZHAD A., DAVVAZ B.,“An introduction to the theory of HV-semilattices”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society(2),No 32(3), p.375-390 ( 2009).

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.11 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. MAMALOUKAS CH.,On numerical solution of a viscous incompressible electrically conducting fluid flow over a stretching sheet”, ICNAAM2004 Intern. Conf. on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, p.246-253 (2004).

2. SADEGHY K., ALIZADEEH-PAHLAVAN A., ALIAKBAR V., MALAKA-ASHTIANI I., JAFARI S. and ESMAILI E.,“MHD Flow and Heat Transfer for Maxwellian Fluids above a Porous Non-Isothermal Stretching Sheet”, Proc. of 3th Intern. Energy, Energy and Environment Symposium (2007), 1-9.

3. AWATI V., BUJURKE N., KUDENATTI R. “An exponential series method for the solution of free convection boundary layer flow in a saturated porous medium”, American Journal of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 1, No 2, p. 104-110, 2011.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.12 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. MANOUSARIDIS Z., MEHDI S-T., MAMALOUKAS CH.,Practical aspects of DSS design for commodities transportation during special events”, ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes, Volume 3, N.1, p.1-6 (2006).

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.13 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CORSINI Piergiulio, LEOREANOU Violeta,“Applications of Hyperstructures Theory”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2002.

2. CRISTEA Irina, STEFANESCU Mirela,“Binary relations and reduced hypergroups” Discrete Mathematics, Volume 308, Issue 16, 28 August 2008, Pages 3537-3544.

3. CRISTEA Irina, STEFANESCU Mirela “Hypergroups and n-ary relations”, European Journal of Combinatorics, Article in press.

4. DE SALVO M., LO FARO G.,“A new class of hypergroupoids associated to binary relations”, J. of mult.-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, Vol.9, (2004), p.361-375.

5. HOSKOVA S., CHVALINA J., RACKOVA P.,“Hypergroups of Fredholm integral operations and related hyperstructures”, I. Journal of Basic Science 4(1), p. 43-54 (2008).

6. HOSKOVA S., CHVALINA J., RACKOVA P.,“Transposition hypergroups of Fredholm integral operators and related hyper-structures (part 1), Journal of Basic Science, Volume 4, p.43-54, 2008.

7. ANTAMPOUFIS N.,“s1-HV-Groups, s1-Hypergroups and the theta (è)-operation”, Proc. of 10th Internat. Congress ÁÇÁ2008 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applicati-ons), Union of Chech Mathematicians and Physicists and University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, p.11-16, 2008.

8. CRISTEA Irina, STEFANESCU Mirela, ANGHELUTA Carmen, “About the fundamental relations defined on the hypergroupoids associated with binary relations”, European journal of Combinatorics, No 32, 2011, Pages 72-81.
9. FENG Yuming,“Algebraic hyperstructures obtained from algebraic structures with fuzzy binary relations”, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, N.25, p.157-164, 2009.

10. FENG Yuming and CORSINI Piergiulio, “On Fuzzy Corsini’s hyperoperations”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 685681, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2012/685681 2012.
11. JANCIC-RASOVIC S., DASIC V.,“Some new classes of (m, n)-hyperrings”, Published by Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, University of Ni?s, Serbia, Filomat 26:3 (2012), 585–596.
12. RASOVIC Sanja Jan, “On hyperrings associated with binary relations. On semihypergroup”, Italian Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, N.30, p.279-288.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.15 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. GLEZAKOS T., TSILIGIRIDIS T., ILIADIS L., YIALOURIS C., MARIS F., FERENTINOS K.,“Feature Extraction for Time Series Data: an Artificial Neural Network Evolutionary Training Model for the Management of Mountainous Watersheds”, Proceedings of EANN2007 - Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Session 14, p.410-418 (2007).

2. ILIADIS, L.,«ÅõöõÞ ÐëçñïöïñéáêÜ ÓõóôÞìáôá êáé ÅöáñìïãÝò óôçí Åêôßìçóç Êéíäýíïõ», Åêäïôéêüò ïßêïò Á. Óôáìïýëç ISBN 978-960-6741-33-3??.

3. KALOUDIS S., COSTOPOULOU C., LORENTZOS N., SIDERIDIS A., KARTERIS M.,“Design of forest management planning DSS for wildfire risk reduction”, Ecological Informatics, Elsevier, Vol. 3, Issue1, p.122-133 (2008).

4. MARTELL DAVID,“Forest fires. Behavioural and ecological effects”, FOREST FIRE MANAGEMENT, Springer Volume 99, p. 489-509 ( 2007).

5. PEDRYCZ Witold,“Structural interpolation and approximation with fuzzy relations: A study in knowledge reuse”, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Volume 215, p.65-67 (2007).

6. TINGUARO R., BEGONA V., JAVIER M., VOJISLAV K., “A disaster-sevetity assessment DSS comparative analysis”, OR Spectrum, Volume 33, Number 3,  p.451-479, 2011.

7. LIU H., ZHANG D.L., CHEN J., XU Q.,“Prediction of tropical cyclone frequency with a wavelet neural network model incorporating natural orthogonal expansion and combined weights”, Natural Hazards, Volume 65, Issue 1, p. 63-78, 2013.
8. LIU H., ZHANG D.L.,“Analysis and prediction of hazard risks caused by tropical cyclones in Southern China with fuzzy mathematical and grey models”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 36, Issue 2, p. 626-637, 2012.
9. MINAS J., HEARNE J., HANDMER W.,“A review of operations research methods applicable to wildfire management”, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 21, Issue 3, p.189-196, 2012.
10. RODRIGUEZ T., VITORIANO B., MONTERO J., KECMAN V.,“A disaster-severity assessment DSS comparative analysis”, OR Spectrum, Volume 33, Issue 3, p. 451-479, 2012.

11. ZHENG J., CHAO Y., XU H.,“The regional geological hazard forecast based on rainfall and WebGIS in Hubei, China”, Geoinformatics 2008 and Joint Conference on GIS and Built Environment: Monitoring and Assessment of Natural Resources and Environments, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 7145, 714505 (p. 1-9), 2012.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.16 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CORSINI Piergiulio, LEOREANOU Violeta,“Applications of Hyperstructures Theory”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2002.

2. CRISTEA Irina,“Several aspects on the Hypergroups associated with n-ary relations”An. St. Univ. Ovidius, Constanta, Vol. 17(3), (2009), 99-110.

3. CRISTEA Irina, STEFANESCU Mirela,“Binary relations and reduced hypergroups” Discrete Mathematics, Volume 308, Issue 16, 28 August 2008, Pages 3537-3544.

4. CRISTEA Irina, STEFANESCU Mirela “Hypergroups and n-ary relations”, European Journal of Combinatorics, Article in press.

5. LEOREANU-FOTEA V. – DAVVAZ B.,“n-hypergroups and binary relations”, European Journal of Combinatorics, 29, p. 1207-1218 (2008).

6. LEOREANU-FOTEA V.,“n-ary hyperstructures and some connections with binary relations and lattices”, Proc. of 10th Internat. Congress ÁÇÁ2008 (Algebraic Hyperstructu-res and Applications), Union of Chech Mathematicians and Physicists and University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, p.11-16, 2008.

7. CRISTEA Irina, STEFANESCU Mirela, ANGHELUTA Carmen , “About the fundamental relations defined on the hyper-groupoids associated with binary relations”, European journal of Combinatorics, No 32, 2011, Pages 72-81.

8. FENG Yuming and CORSINI Piergiulio, “On Fuzzy Corsini’s hyperoperations”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 685681, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2012/685681 2012.
9. HEIDARI D. and DAVVAZ B.,“Γ-hypergroups and Γ-semihypergroups associated to binary relations”, Iranian journal of Sciences & Technology, A2, p.69-80.
10. MOUSAVI S.Sh., LEOREANU-FOTEA V., JAFARPOUR M., BABAEI H., “Equivalence relations in semihypergroups and the corresponding quotient structures”, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume33, Issue 4, p.463-473, 2013.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.17 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. ALIAKBAR V., ALIZADEH-PAHLAVAN A. and SADEGHY K.,“The influence of thermal radiation on MHD flow of Maxwellian fluids above stretching sheets” Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Elsevier, Volume : 14, Issue 3, p. 779-794.

2.  MAMALOUKAS CH., SUBHAS ABEL M., TAWADE J., MAHABALESWAR U., “On effects of a transverse magnetic field on an ucm fluid over a stretching sheet”, International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 1, No. 1, p.85-92, 2010.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.18 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CUI X., WANG F., LI X., ZHANG Y. and YU S.,“A Fuzzy-ANP Approach to Cooperation Risk Evaluation of Virtual Logistics Enterprise”, Proc. of the IEEE International Conference of Automation and Logistics, Jinan, China, p.1452-1457 (2007).

2. GLEZAKOS T., TSILIGIRIDIS T., ILIADIS L., YIALOURIS C., MARIS F., FERENTINOS K.,“Feature Extraction for Time Series Data: an Artificial Neural Network Evolutionary Training Model for the Management of Mountainous Watersheds”, Proceedings of EANN2007 - Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Session 14, p.410-418 (2007).

3. ILIADIS, L.,«ÅõöõÞ ÐëçñïöïñéáêÜ ÓõóôÞìáôá êáé ÅöáñìïãÝò óôçí Åêôßìçóç Êéíäýíïõ»,Åêäïôéêüò ïßêïò Á. Óôáìïýëç ISBN 978-960-6741-33-3??.

4. KALOUDIS S., COSTOPOULOU C., LORENTZOS N., SIDERIDIS A., KARTERIS M.,“Design of forest management planning DSS for wildfire risk reduction”, Ecological Informatics, Elsevier, Vol. 3, Issue 1, p.122-133 (2008).

5. MOEINZADEH P., HAJFATHALIHA A., “A combined fuzzy decision making approach to supply chain assessment”, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 60, 2009.

6. CHEN AN., ZHAO J., CHEN N., “A Recoverability Assessment Model in Emergency Management”, NATO organization PRO-MP-IST-086, p. 9-1, 9-12, 2009.
7. LIU B., ZHANG Y., LIANG J., MA K,“Research on the Supply Chain Risk Evaluation of Manufacturing Enterprises”, Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ICCSEE), 2012 International Conference, Volume 3, p.439-442, 2012.


Στην εργασßα μου J.20 αναφÝρονται οι κÜτωθι:
1. YETILMEZSOY K., OZKAYA B., CAKMAKI M., “Artificial intelligence-baced prediction models for environmental engineering”, Neural Network World, 3/11, p. 193-218, 2011.

2. AHONEN T., TAMMINEN J., AHOLA J., KESTIL J., “Novel method for detecting cavitation in centrifugal pump with frequency converter”, Inight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring (The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing), Volume 53, No 8, pp. 439-449(11), 2011.
3. NOVAK M.,“Some basic properties of EL-hyperstructures”, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume34, Issue 2, p.446-459, 2013.
4. SUDHA J., SAMPATHKUMAR S., KUMAR S., KISHORE R.,“Condition monitoring of delamination during drilling of GFRP composites using the acoustic emission technique a neural network model ”, Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, Volume 53, Number 8, p. 445-449(5), 2011.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.22 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. GLEZAKOS T., TSILIGIRIDIS T., ILIADIS L., YIALOURIS C., MARIS F., FERENTINOS K.,“Feature Extraction for Time Series Data: an Artificial Neural Network Evolutionary Training Model for the Management of Mountainous Watersheds”, Proceedings of EANN2007 - Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, Session 14, p.410-418 (2007).

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.23 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. ANASTASSOPOULOS G., ILIADIS L.,“ANN for prognosis of abdominal pain in childhood: use of fuzzy modeling for convergence estimation”, The 18th European Conference in Artificial Intelligence (Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications – CIMA 2008).

2. HUANG H., WU C.,“Approximation capabilities of multilayer fuzzy neural networks on the set of fuzzy-valued functions”, Information Sciences 179, p. 2762-2773 (2009).

3. MAES K., MESIAROVA-ZEMANKIVA A.,“Cancellativity properties for t-norms and t-subnorms”, Information Sciences 179, p. 1221-1233 (2009).

4. MANTZARIS D., ANASTASSOPOULOS G., ADAMOPOULOS A., GARDIKIS S.,“A non-symbolic implementation of abdominal pain estimation in childhood”, Information Sciences, Volume 178, Issue 20, p. 3860-3866 (2008).

5. WANG S., WATADA J.,“Fuzzy random renewal reward process and its applications”, Information Sciences 179, p. 4057-4069 (2009).

6. CHAN K.Y., KWONG C.K., FOGARTY T.C.,“Modeling manufacturing processes using a genetic programming-based fuzzy regression with detection of outliers”, Information Sciences (Elsevier), 180, (2010), 506-518.

7. ANASTASSOPOULOS G., ILIADIS L.,“Intelligent hybrid modeling towards the prognosis of abdominal pain”, Intern. Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 6 (2009), p.245-255.

8. MIGUEL E., CASTILLO SOTO, “The identification and assessment of areas at risk of forest fire using fuzzy methodology”, Applied Geography, Volume 35, p. 199-207, 2012.
9. PAPADOPOULOS H.,“Reliable probabilistic classification with neural networks”, Neurocomputing, (in press http://www.sciencedirect.com/ science/article/pii/ S0925231212007801).
10. PAPADOPOULOS H., HARALAMBOUS H.,“Reliable prediction intervals with regression neural networks”, Neural Networks, Volume 24, Issue 8, p. 842-851, 2011.
11. PAPADOPOULOS H., GAMMERMAN A., VOLODYA V.,“Reliable diagnosis of acute abdominal pain with conformal prediction”, Engineering Intelligent System, 2-3, p.127-137, 2009.

12. PAPALEONIDAS A., ILIADIS L.,“Hybrid and Reinforcement Multi Agent Technology for Real Time Air Pollution Monitoring”, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology,

Volume 381, p. 274-284, 2012.
13. WANG S., WATADA J, “Fuzzy Stochastic Optimization, Theory, Models and Applications”, Book, Springer ISBN 978-1-4419-9559-9, 2012.
14. ZHANG G.,“Advances in fuzzy method for natural computing”, Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Volume 2, p.18-23, 2009. 

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ J.24 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CRISTEA Irina, STEFANESCU Mirela,“Binary relations and reduced hypergroups” Discrete Mathematics, Volume 308, Issue 16, 28 August 2008, Pages 3537-3544.

2. CRISTEA Irina, STEFANESCU Mirela,“Hypergroups and n-ary relations”, European Journal of Combinatorics, Article in press.

3. CORSINI Piergiulio,“Some connections between algebraic hyperstructures and fuzzy sets”, Proc. of 10th Internat. Congress ÁÇÁ2008 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applicati-ons), Union of Chech Mathematicians and Physicists and University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, p.11-16, 2008.

4. AGHABOZORGI H., JAFARPOUR M., DAVVAZ B. “Enumeration of Varlet and Comer hypergroups” The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, No 18, p. 131, 2011.

5. FENG Yuming and CORSINI Piergiulio, “On Fuzzy Corsini’s hyperoperations”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 685681, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2012/685681 2012.
6. CORSINI Piergiulio,“History and new possible research directions of Hyperstructures”, Ratio Mathematica, 21, p. 3-26, 2011.
7. FENG Yuming and CORSINI Piergiulio, “On Fuzzy Corsini’s hyperoperations”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 685681, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2012/685681 2012.
8. ANVARIYEH S.M., MIRVAKILI S., DAVVAZ B., “Combinatorial aspects of n-ary polygroups and n-ary color schemes”, European Journal of Combinatorics, Vol. 34, Issue 2,  p. 207-216, 2013.

Στην εργασßα μου J.27 αναφÝρονται οι κÜτωθι:
1.CORSINI Piergiuli,“History and new possible research directions of Hyperstructures”, Ratio Mathematica, 21, p. 3-26, 2011


Στην εργασßα μου J.28 αναφÝρονται οι κÜτωθι:
1. MINAS J., HEARNE J., HANDMER W.,“A review of operations research methods applicable to wildfire management”, International Journal of Wildland Fire, Volume 21, Issue 3, p.189-196, 2012.
2. PAPAKONSTANTINOU X., ILIADIS L., PIMENIDIS E., MARIS F.,“Fuzzy Modeling of the Climate Change Effect to Drought and to Wild Fires in Cyprus”, Engineering Applications of Neural Networks, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 363, p. 516-528, 2011.
3. TASOULIS S.K., MAGLOGIANNIS I., PLAGIANAKOS V.P.,“Unsupervised Detection of Fibrosis in Microscopy Images Using Fractals and Fuzzy c-Means Clustering”, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 381,  p. 385-394, 2012.


Στην εργασßα μου J.29 αναφÝρονται οι κÜτωθι:

1. CRISTEA Irina, STEFANESCU Mirela, ANGHELUTA Carmen, “About the fundamental relations defined on the hypergroupoids associated with binary relations”, European journal of Combinatorics, No 32, 2011, Pages 72-81.

2. FENG Yuming and CORSINI Piergiulio, “On Fuzzy Corsini’s hyperoperations”, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Journal of Applied Mathematics Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 685681, 9 pages doi:10.1155/2012/685681 2012.
3. NOVAK M.,“Some basic properties of EL-hyperstructures”, European Journal of Combinatorics, Volume34, Issue 2, p.446-459, 2013.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.1 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CORSINI Piergiulio,“Prolegomena of hypergroup theory”, Aviani Editore 1992.

2. CORSINI Piergiulio, LEOREANOU Violeta,“Applications of Hyperstructures Theory”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2002.

3. DAVVAZ B., VOUGIOUKLIS T.,“Commutative Rings Obtained from Hyperrings (Hv-rings) with *-Relations”, Communications in Algebra, Vol.35, Issue11, p.3307-3320 (2007).

4. MAHMOUD M.I.,“(H,Hyp(R))-Hyperring”, Atti Sem. Fis. Univ. Modena, XLVII, p.539-544 (1999).

5. PROCESI Rita – ROTA Rosaria,“On some classes of hyperstructures”, Discrete Mathematics 208-209, p.485-497 (1999).

6. PROCESI Rita – ROTA Rosaria “Polynomial Hyperrings”, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, hononary Volume dedicated to Prof. J.Mittas, p.421-435 (2000).

7. STEFANESCU Mirela,“Constructions of hypergroups”, New Frontiers in Hyperstructures, Hadronic Press, Palm Harbor, FL, 34682-1577, USA ISBN 1-57485-008-3, p.67-83 (1996).

8. STEFANESCU Mirela “Constructions of hyperfields and hyperrrings”, STUDII SI CERCETARI STIINTIFICE, Seria: MATEMATICA, REVISTA Nr.16Supplement, ISSN 1224-2519, p.563-571 (2006).

9. YATRAS Constantinos,“M-polysymmetrical subhyperrings and m-polysymmetrical hyperideals”, Sixth int. Congress on AHA, Dem. Univ. Of Thrace Press 1996, p.161-169.

10. YATRAS Constantinos “Characteristic of M-polysymmetrical Hyperrings and some properties of M-polysymmetrical hyperrings”, Bull. of the Greek Math. Soc., Vol. 38, p.115-125 (1996).

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.2 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CHVALINA J., HOSKOVA S.,“Abelizations of weakly associative hyperstructures based on their direct squares”, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis, Vol. 11, No1, p.11-23 (2003).

2. DAVVAZ B.,“A Brief Survey of the Theory of HV-structures”, Proc. of 8thInternat. Congress ÁÇÁ2002 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), p.39-70 (2003).

3.DEHGHAN NEZHAD A., DAVVAZ B.,“An introduction to the theory of HV-semilattices”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society(2),No 32(3), p.375-390 (2009).

4. HOSKOVA Sarka, CHVALINA Jan,“Abelizations of proximal Hv-rings using graphs of good homomorphisms and diagonals of direct squares of hyperstructures”, Proc. of 8th Int. Congress on AHA (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), (2003), p.147-158.

5. KEHAGIAS A.,“An example of L-fuzzy join space”, Rendicondi del Circolo Matematico del Palermo, Vol.51, p.503-526 (2002).

6. KEHAGIAS A., KONSTANTINIDOU M.,“Lattice-ordered join space: an Applications-Oriented Example”, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (to appear).

7. YATRAS Constantinos,“M-polysymmetrical subhyperrings and m-polysymmetrical hyperideals”, Sixth int. Congress on AHA, Dem. Univ. Of Thrace Press 1996, p.161-169.

8. YATRAS Constantinos “Characteristic of M-polysymmetrical Hyperrings and some properties of M-polysymmetrical hyperrings”, Bull. of the Greek Math. Soc., Vol. 38, p.115-125 (1996).

9. DAVVAZ B., DUDEK W.A.,“Intuitionistic fuzzy HV-ideals”, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2006, p. 1-11, 2006.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.3 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CHVALINA J., HOSKOVA S.,“Abelizations of weakly associative hyperstructures based on their direct squares”, Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis, Vol. 11, No1, p.11-23 (2003).

2. DAVVAZ B.,“A Brief Survey of the Theory of HV-structures”, Proc. of 8thInternat. Congress ÁÇÁ 2002 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), p.39-70 (2003).

3. DEHGHAN NEZHAD A., DAVVAZ B.,“An introduction to the theory of HV-semilattices”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society(2),No 32(3), p.375-390 ( 2009).

4. HOSKOVA Sarka, CHVALINA Jan,“Abelizations of proximal Hv-rings using graphs of good homomorphisms and diagonals of direct squares of hyperstructures”, Proc. of 8th Int. Congress on AHA (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), (2003), p.147-158.

5. MIGLIORATO Renato,“Fundamental relation on non-associative Hypergroupoids”, Italian Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, N.6, p.147-160 (1999).

6. SERAFIMIDIS Karolos, KONSTANTINIDOU Maria,“Some properties and the distributivity of the (P,Q)-Superlattice”, Intern. Congress on Applied Differential Geometry and General Relativity, 2001 (to appear).

7. SERAFIMIDIS K.,KONSTANTINIDOU M. and KEHAGIAS A., “The investigation of the properties of the (P,Q)-superlattice”, Italian Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, N., p., 200.

8. SERAFIMIDIS K., KEHAGIAS A., KONSTANTINIDOU M.,“The structure of the (P,Q)-superlattice and order related properties”, Italian Journal of pure and Applied Mathematics, N.15, p.133-150 (2004).

9. DAVVAZ B., DUDEK W.A.,“Intuitionistic fuzzy HV-ideals”, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, p. 1-11, 2006.

10. SHAHBAZ L.,“The Category of hyper S-Acts”, Italian journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, N.29, p. 325-332, 2012.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.4 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CORSINI Piergiulio, LEOREANOU Violeta,“Applications of Hyperstructures Theory”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2002.

2. DAVVAZ B.,“A Brief Survey of the Theory of HV-structures”, Proc. of 8thInternat. Congress ÁÇÁ2002 (Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications), p.39-70 (2003).

3. DAVVAZ B., VOUGIOUKLIS T., Commutative Rings Obtained from Hyperrings (Hv-rings) with *-Relations”, Communications in Algebra, Vol.35, Issue11, p. 3307-3320 (2007).

4. DEHGHAN NEZHAD A., DAVVAZ B.,“An introduction to the theory of HV-semilattices”, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society(2),No 32(3), p.375-390 (2009).

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.10 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. CORSINI Piergiulio, LEOREANOU Violeta,“Applications of Hyperstructures Theory”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, 2002.

2. DE SALVO M., LO FARO G.,“A new class of hypergroupoids associated to binary relations”, J. of mult.-Valued Logic & Soft Computing, Vol.9, (2004), p.361-375.

3. HOSKOVA Sarka, CHVALINA Jan, “Transformation Tolerance Hypergroups”, Thai Journal of Mathematics, Volume 4, Number 1, p. 63-72 (2006).

4. HOSKOVA Sarka, CHVALINA Jan, “Discrete transformation hypergroups and transformation hypergroups with phase tolerance space”, Discrete Mathematics Volume 308, Issue 18, p. 4133-4143 (2008).

5. HOSKOVA Sarka,“Order Hypergroups|The unique square root condition for quasi-order hypergroups”, Set-valued Mathematics and Applications,Global Research Publications, Vol. 1, No.1, p.1-7, 2008.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.13 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. ILIADIS L., MARIS F.“An Artificial Neural Network model for mountainous water-resources management: The case of Cyprus mountainous watersheds”, Environmental MOdelling & Software (Elsevier), 22 (2007), p. 1066-1072.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.20 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. ANASTASSOPOULOS G., ILIADIS L.,“Intelligent hybrid modeling towards the prognosis of abdominal pain”, Intern. Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 6 (2009), p.245-255.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.21 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. ANASTASSOPOULOS G., ILIADIS L.,“Intelligent hybrid modeling towards the prognosis of abdominal pain”, Intern. Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 6 (2009), p.245-255.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.22 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. ILIADIS, L.,«ÅõöõÞ ÐëçñïöïñéáêÜ ÓõóôÞìáôá êáé ÅöáñìïãÝò óôçí Åêôßìçóç Êéíäýíïõ»,Åêäïôéêüò ïßêïò Á. Óôáìïýëç ISBN 978-960-6741-33-3??.

2. MIGUEL E., CASTILLO SOTO, “The identification and assessment of areas at risk of forest fire using fuzzy methodology”, Applied Geography, Volume 35, p. 199-207, 2012.
3. OPREA M., ILIADIS L., “An artificial Intelligence-Based Environment Quality Analysis System”, Engineering Applications of Neural Networks,IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 363, p. 499-508, 2011.

Óôçí åñãáóßá ìïõ P.24 áíáöÝñïíôáé ïé êÜôùèé:

1. ANASTASSOPOULOS G., ILIADIS L.,“ANN for prognosis of abdominal pain in childhood: use of fuzzy modeling for convergence estimation”, The 18th European Conference in Artificial Intelligence (Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications – CIMA 2008.

2. MANTZARIS D., ANASTASSOPOULOS G., ADAMOPOULOS A., GARDIKIS S.,“A non-symbolic implementation of abdominal pain estimation in childhood”, Information Sciences, Volume 178, Issue 20, p. 3860-3866 (2008).

3. HAJEK R., OLEJ V., “Hierarchical IF-Inference systems for local sustainable development management”, WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, Issue 10, Vol. 6, No. 1,p.687-698, 2010.

ÄéäáêôïñéêÝò ÄéáôñéâÝò (êáôÜ ÷ñïíïëïãéêÞ óåéñÜ)


2. Ã.ÌÁÓÏÕÑÏÓ,“ÁÕÔÏÌÁÔÁ ÃËÙÓÓÅÓ ÊÁÉ ÕÐÅÓÕÍÈÅÔÉÊÅÓ ÄÏÌÅÓ”, Åèíéêü Ìåôóüâåéï Ðïëõôå÷íåßï, ÁèÞíá (1993), óôçí ÄéäáêôïñéêÞ ìïõ ÄéáôñéâÞ.


4. Á.ÄÑÁÌÁËÉÄÇÓ,“ÃÅÙÌÅÔÑÉÊÅÓ-ÁËÃÅÂÑÉÊÅÓ ÕÐÑÄÏÌÅÓ ÊÁÉ Ç ÄÉÄÁÊÔÉÊÇ ÔÏÕÓ”, Äçìïêñßôåéï Ðáíåðé-óôÞìéï ÈñÜêçò, Áëåîáíäñïýðïëç (1995), óôéò åñãáóßåò ìïõ ìå áñéèìïýò : J.3, J.5 êáé óôçí ÄéäáêôïñéêÞ ìïõ ÄéáôñéâÞ.

5. Ê.ÃÉÁÔÑÁÓ,“Ì-ÐÏËÕÓÕÌÌÅÔÑÉÊÅÓ ÕÐÅÑÏÌÁÄÅÓ, Ì-ÐÏËÕÓÕÌÌÅÔÑÉÊÏÉ ÕÐÅÑÄÁÊÔÕËÉÏÉ ÊÁÉ ÅÖÁÑ-ÌÏÃÅÓ”, Äçìïêñßôåéï ÐáíåðéóôÞìéï ÈñÜêçò, ÎÜíèç (1996), óôéò åñãáóßåò ìïõ ìå áñéèìïýò : J.1, J.3, J.4, J.7, P.1, P.2, P.3 êáé óôçí ÄéäáêôïñéêÞ ìïõ ÄéáôñéâÞ.

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