Undergraduate Courses

Structure and Operation of Power Systems (E03Y)

Course outline: History of power systems. Basic concepts: single phase alternative-current circuits, power, multi-phase systems, three-phase systems, symmetrical and asymmetrical loads. Power system structure. Generation, transmission and distribution of electrical energy. The Hellenic electric power system. Power plants. Power transmission lines: physical construction and mechanical characteristics. Power system loads: properties, equivalent circuits, power factor compensation. Introduction to the load flow problem. Introduction to power systems fault-analysis: types of faults, basic concepts.

Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy (E23Y)

Course outline: Underground and overhead power lines. HVDC systems. Electrical and mechanical properties of power lines. Electric and magnetic fields from power lines. Transmission line modelling. Active and reactive power transmission and control. Voltage drop and power loss calculations. Reactive power compensation. Power flow analysis.

Analysis of Faults and Transient Phenomena in Power Systems (E23Y)

Course outline: Voltage variation in power distribution systems. Voltage control. Symmetric components and their measurement. Equivalent circuits of the power system components using symmetric components. Symmetric and asymmetric fault analysis. Short-circuit currents and overvoltages. Short-circuit current computation in interconnected systems based on IEC 909. Steady-state and transient stability analysis.