
Short Bio

Georgia Yfantidou is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Education & Sport Sciences at Democritus University of Thrace in Greece, where she teaches on the Undergraduate and Master level. She has designed and conducted several classes, including her current classes "Sport Tourism and Recreation" and "Sport at Hotels".

She graduated from DUTh in 2002 and continued studying there for her Master's Degree, on the interdepartmental program between DUTh and University of Thessaly, "Exercise & Quality of life", specialising in "Physical Activity & Recreation". She received her Master Diploma in 2004. In 2009, she received her Doctoral Degree in Sport Tourism from DUTh. Currently, she is attending a long distance Master's Program of the Marconi University in Italy on "The future of sustainable tourism development".

She has been a member of European Association for Sport Management since 2005 and a member of the Hellenic Association for Sport Management since 2012. In addition, she is a member of the Greek Basketball Coach Association and the Hellenic Basketball Referees Association.

Since 2010, she has been a reviewer at Tourism Management Journal (Elsevier). Moreover, she has been a reviewer at the International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism (IJSMaRT) since 2011, at Exercise and Woman since 2010, at Exercise and Society since 2010 and at Journal of Sport Tourism and Recreation (JSTaR) since 2009. Currently, she is assistant to the Chief Editor of IJSMaRT and board member of JSTaR.

She has been member of the organising comittee of The International Congress of Physical Education and Sport (I.C.P.E.S.) since 2007, while she has participated in several conferences on Sport Management, Leisure and Sport Tourism, including EASM Conference and World Leisure Congress, presenting various posters and papers.

Finally, she has co-developed many European projects, which got funded by the European Union. Her ongoing project, which is part of the European project "Spors Coordinator", is "Mordenising the knowloedge of DPESS graduates on Sport Tourism". Others include "Professional training and mobility of outdoor activities' animators in Europe, bridging the gap of competition and learning outcomes" and "Developing digital applications and tools for promoting sport tourism in Cyprus".

Her areas of interest include, but are not limited to, sport tourism, sport management and recreation management.

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