- Kotsovinos, N.E. and List, E.J., " An experimental study of turbulent plane buoyant jet", Bulletin of the American Physical Society, Nov. Series II, Vol. 20, No. 11, p.1429.
Kotsovinos, N.E., 1976 " A Note on the spreading rate and virtual origin of the turbulent plane jet", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, volume 77, pp. 305 - 312.
Kotsovinos, N.E., List E.J., 1977 " Plane Turbulent Buoyant Jets. Part I , Integral Properties", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 81, Part 1, pp. 25 - 44.
Kotsovinos, N. E., 1977 "Plane Turbulent Buoyant Jets. Part 2 Turbulence Structure", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 81, Part I,
5.Kotsovinos, N.E., 1978 "A note on the Conservation of the Volume Flux in Free Turbulence ", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 85, pp. 201 - 203.
6.Kotsovinos, N.E., " A Note on the Conservation of the Axial Momentum of a Turbulent Jet", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 87, pp. 56 - 63.
Kotsovinos, N. E., 1978 "Waste Disposal from a two-dimensional Diffuser ", Journal of Hydraulics, ASCE, pp. 559 - 581.
- Kotsovinos, N.E. 1978 "Dilution in a Vertical Round Buoyant Jet", Journal of Hydraulics, American Society of Civil Engineers, pp. 795
Kotsovinos, N.E., "Temperature measurements in a turbulent round plume", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 771 - 777.
Kotsovinos, N.E., 1988, " Secondary currents in straight wide channels" Appl. Math. Modeling, vol. 12, pp. 22 - 24.
Kotsovinos, N.E., 1989, " Hydrology and Pollution of lake Vistonis in Northern Greece", Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry, Vols 20 - 21, pp. 323 - 328.
Kotsovinos, N.E., 1990, " Dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy in buoyant free shear flows", Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol. 33, p 400.
Kotsovinos, N. E., 1991, " Turbulence spectra in free convection flow", Physics. Fluids A, Vol. 3, No 1, pp. 163 - 167
Kotsovinos, N. E., and P. B. Angelidis, 1991, " The momentum flux in turbulent submerged jets ", Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1991, vol. 229, pp. 453 - 70.
- Kotsovinos ,N.E. ,2000, “Axisymmetric Submerged Intrusion in Stratified Fluid”, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering , ASCE, vol. 126, pp.446-456
- Ν.Ε.Kotso¬vi¬nos, M.Gratziou, M. Tsalkatidou, (2006), «Economic Evalu¬ation of small capacity Sewage Pro¬ces¬sing Units», Global Nest Journal, 8 (1) pp 52-60
- Tsalkatidou M., Gratziou M., Kotsovinos N., (2009), «Combined stabilization ponds-constructed wetland system», Desalination, 253, pp, 1-10
Ν.Kotsovinos, Gratziou M., M.Tsalkatidou, (2010), «Applying the virtual water concept at regional level - the cases of the Prefectures of Xanthi and Rhodope, Greece», Desalination,
ANGELIDIS P., KOTSIKAS M. andKOTSOVINOS N. (2010). “Management of Upstream Dams and Flood Protection of the Transboundary River Evros/Maritza”. Water Resources Management (Springer), DOI 10.1007/s11269-009-9563-6, vol. 24, pp. 2467–2484.
GEORGOULAS A., ANGELIDIS P., PANAGIOTIDIS T. and KOTSOVINOS N. (2010). “3D Numerical Modelling of Turbidity Currents”. Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Springer), DOI 10.1007/s10652-010-9182-z, vol. 10, pp. 603-635.
ANGELIDIS P., MYSTAKIDIS G., LALIKIDOU S., HRISSANTHOU V. and KOTSOVINOS N. (2010). “Computation of Hydrographs in Evros River Basin”. European Water, vol.31, pp. 33-42.
KOPASAKIS K., GEORGOULAS A., ANGELIDIS P. and KOTSOVINOS N. (2012). “Simulation of the Long Term Fate of Water and Pollutants, Transported from the Dardanelles Plume into the North Aegean Sea”. Applied Ocean Research, 2012, Vol.37, pp. 145–161.
ANGELIDIS P., MARIS F., KOTSOVINOS N. and HRISSANTHOU V. (2012). “Computation of Drought Index SPI with Alternative Distribution Functions”. Water Resources Management (SPRINGER), DOI: 10.1007/s11269-012-0026-0. Available on line http://www.springerlink.com/content/h0475753077n5w50/?MUD=MP
- GEORGOULAS A., KOPASAKIS K., ANGELIDIS P. and KOTSOVINOS N. (2012). “Numerical Investigation of Continuous, High Density Turbidity Currents Response, in the Variation of Fundamental Flow Controlling Parameters”.Computers and Fluids (ELSEVIER), vol. 60, pp. 21-35. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0045793012000801
KOPASAKIS K., GEORGOULAS A., ANGELIDISP. and KOTSOVINOS N. (2011). “Numerical Modeling of the Long-term Transport, Dispersion and Accumulation of Black Sea Pollutants into the North Aegean Coastal Waters”. Estuaries and Coasts. http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12237-012-9540-9
Andredaki M., Georgoulas A., Hrissanthou V., and Kotsovinos N., Assessment of reservoir sedimentation effect on coastal erosion in the case of Nestos River, Greece., International Journal of Sediment Research, (Status: Revised and Resubmitted).
1.Nikolas E. Kotsovinos, J. List, "Turbulent Measurements in a two - dimensional buoyant jet using Laser Doppler Velocimetry". Proc. Laser Doppler Anemometry Symposium 1975, Technical University of Denmark August 25 - 29, 1979.
2.Kotsovinos, N. E., " A study of the interactions of Turbulence and Buoyancy in a Plane Vertical Buoyant Jet", Proceedings, International Seminar on Turbulence Buoyant Convection, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, August 30 - September 4, 1976, pp. 15 - 26.
3.Kotsovinos, N. E., J. List., " Turbulent Buoyant Jets ", Proceedings International Seminar on Turbulent Buoyant Convection, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, August 30 - September 4, 1976, pp. 349 - 369.
4.KOTSOVINOS N.E., ANGELIDIS P.B. and HASILTZOGLOU N.I. (1983). "MicroComputer Interfaced to Digitizer to Solve Steady-state Flows in Pipe Networks Used in Water Distribution", International Conference on the Use of Micros in Fluid Engineering, BHRA, London, England, pp.147-155.
5.Kotsovinos, N. E., "Simulation of a flow over a ridge in Northern Greece", Euromech - 173, Delphi, Greece, 1983.
6.Kotsovinos, N. E., " A non - linear Model for Reynolds stresses in turbulence", International Conference on modeling and simulation, AMSE, Athens, 1984.
7.Kotsovinos, N. E.,, " Energy dissipation rate in buoyant thermals", International Symposium on buoyant Flows, National Technical University Athens, Greece 1 - 5 Sept., 1986.
8.Kotsovinos, N. E., " Low frequency power spectra in buoyant Flows", International Symposium on Buoyant Flows, National Technical University, Athens, Greece, 15 Sept., 1986.
9.Kotsovinos N. E., "Physical Modeling of Pollutant Dispersion in a Tidal current", First International Symposium For the City of Chalcis (Euboia), Aoba’s Scientific Association, 1987.
10.Kotsovinos, N. E., 1990, " The Submerged Horizontal Spread of a Buoyant Plume in a Stratified Fluid", Ninth IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Identification and Control, Innsbruck, Febr. 19 - 22, Austria.
11.Kotsovinos, N. E., and A. Pantokratoras, 1990, " Turbulence structure of the horizontal buoyant jet", International Conference on Physical Modeling of Transport and Dispersion", Aug. 7 - 10, M. I. T., Massachusetts, USA
12.Kotsovinos, N. E., 1991, " Axisymmetric Intrusion in a Stratified Fluid", IAHR, XXIV International Congress, 9 - 13 Sept., Madrid.
13.Angelidis,P.B., and N.E Kotsovinos, "The plane submerged horizontal buoyant jet ", NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Recent Research Advances in the Fluid Mechanics of Turbulent Jets and Plumes”, Proceedings Edited by P.A.Davies and M.J.Valente Neves,Kluwer Academic Publishers,1993, pp.29-43
14.Kotsovinos, N.E. , 1993, “The submarine diffusers and the environment “, HELLECO 93, First International Exhibition and Conference of environmental Technology for the Mediterranean Region “, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens April 1-4 1993.
15.Kotsovinos, N.E. ,”Physical and mathematical modeling of pollutants dispersion . “,International Conference on Pollution of the European Closed Seas , Annual Meeting of UETP-EEE,June 2-3 1993, PP.35-42.The Proceedings were published by Painotalo MIKTOR,Helsinki,Finland, ISBN 951-9110-91-7 (year 1994 ).
16.Kotsovinos,N.E., “ Axisymmetric submerged intrusion”, Fourth International Symposium on Stratified Flows, Grenoble, June 29-July 2 ,1994, volume 2, session B3, pp.1-8.
17.Angelidis P . and Kotsovinos N. , “Development of a computer package which simulates the runoff using GIS approach “, International Symposium on Water Resources , Technical Chamber of Greece -Department of central-west Thessalie, Larissa , 13-16 November 1996, Proceedings , Vol II.
18.Κotsovinos N., “Relationship between intensity of rain and air pollution “,International Symposium on Water Resources , Technical Chamber of Greece -Department of Central-West , Larissa , 13-16 November 1996, Proceedings , Vol I.
19.Tsagarakis K. ,Papadaki I. , Kotsovinos N., and Aggelakis A., “Evaluation of wastewater treatment plants in Greece “,International Symposium on Water Resources , Technical Chamber of Greece -Department of central-west Thessalie, Larissa , 13-16 November 1996, Proceedings , Vol II.
20.La Violette,P. Price,J. , and Kotsovinos N.E., “The surface circulation around Crete and trajectories, long term satellite imagery and a physical numerical model “, poster presentation , CIESM , Dubrovnik June 1 ,1998 .
21.Kotsovinos,N.E. and Kralis, P. ,”Laboratory investigation of a three dimensional wall attached density current down an inclined slope in a rotating tank “, Second International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics , Hong Kong ,Dec. 16-19 1998.
22.KOTSOVINOS N.E., ANDREAKOU D. and ANGELIDIS P. B. (2001). «Gravity Currents in a Density Stratified Porous Aquifer», XXIX IAHR Congress Proceedings, September 17-21, 2001, Beijing, China, Theme A, pp.197-203.
23.ANGELIDIS P.B. and KOTSOVINOS N.E. (2001). «Modeling the Storm Runoff from Urban Watersheds», XXIX IAHR Congress Proceedings, September 17-21, 2001, Beijing, China, Theme C, pp.431-437.
24.KOTSOVINOS N.E., ANDREAKOU D. and ANGELIDIS P.B. (2001). “Dam Break Analysis of Evinos Earth Dam: Forecasting the Characteristics of the Downstream Flood Wave”,XXIX IAHR Congress Proceedings, September 17-21, 2001, Beijing, China, Theme C, pp.288-295.
25.ANGELIDIS P.B. and KOTSOVINOS N.E. (2001). “Management of Agricultural Pollution from Runoff: the Case of LakeVistonis”PRIVATE , 1st International Conference on Ecological Protection on the Planet Earth, June 5-8, 2001, Xanthi, Greece, vol. I, pp.103-111.
26.KOTSOVINOS N.E. and ANGELIDIS P.B. (2002). “Dilution of Waste Water from Inclined Diffuser Risers: An Engineering Approach”, 2nd International Conference on Marine Waste Water Discharges – MWWD 2002, September 16-20, 2002, Istanbul, Turkey.
27.ANGELIDIS P.B, GYRIKIS V., KONIDARIS A., KOTSOVINOS N.E. (2004). “Spreading Width of a 2D Brine Sewage after Impinging on a Shallow Sea Free Surface”, Proceedings in CD-ROM of 3nd International Conference on Marine Waste Water Disposal and Marine Environment – MWWD 2004, Sept.27-Oct.2, 2004, Catania, Italy.
28.ANGELIDIS P.B, KOTSOVINOS N.E. (2004). “Submerged Radial Intrusion of Wastewater Field from a Diffuser in a Motionless Stratified Sea”, Proceedings in CD-ROM of 3nd International Conference on Marine Waste Water Disposal and Marine Environment – MWWD 2004, Sept.27-Oct.2, 2004, Catania, Italy.
29.KRALIS P., ANGELIDIS P.B, KOTSOVINOS N.E. (2004). “Large Scale Cyclonic Vortices of the Submerged Gravity Intruding Sewage Field from a Large Diffuser in a Stratified Sea”, Proceedings in CD-ROM of 3nd International Conference on Marine Waste Water Disposal and Marine Environment – MWWD 2004, Sept.27-Oct.2, 2004, Catania, Italy.
30.Georgoulas A., Konidaris A., Angelidis P. and Kotsovinos N. (2006), “Effect of the Coriolis Force in the Discharge of Brackish Water s from the Dardanelles into the North Aegean ", 10th National Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA), Xanthi 2006, Greece, Vol. A, pp.315-322.
31.Konidaris A., Georgoulas A., Angelidis P., and Kotsovinos N. (2006), "Computational Simulation of the Dardanelles Outflow into the North Aegean Sea", 10th National Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA), Xanthi 2006, Greece, Vol. A., pp.355-362.
32.Samaras, A. Georgoulas, A. Valsamidis, C. Koutitas, G. Xeidakis and N. Kotsovinos (2008), "Studying the Human -Induced Impacts on Coastal Morphology. The Case of River Nestos", Proceedings of the 4rth National Conference "Management and Improvement of Coastal Areas", Mytilene 23-27 September 2008, Lesvos, Greece.
33.Valsamidis, A. Samaras, A. Georgoulas, C. Koutitas and N. Kotsovinos (2008), "Prediction of Shoreline Change in the Wider Area of Alexandroupolis Port, Forty Years from Today, with the Use of CEDAS Software", Proceedings of the 4rth National Conference" Management and Improvement of Coastal Areas", Mytilene 23-27 September 2008, Lesvos, Greece.
34.KONIDARIS A., GEORGOULAS A., ANGELIDIS P., and KOTSOVINOS N., (2008). “Simulation of the Discharge of Brackish Waters from the Dardanelles into the North Aegean”. International Conference: “Studying, Modeling and Sense Making of Planet Earth”, Mytilene, 1-6/6/2008, Lesvos, Greece.
35.Georgoulas, T. Tzanakis, P. Angelidis and N. Kotsovinos (2009), "Numerical Simulation of Suspended Sediment Transport and Dispersal from Evros River into the North Aegean Sea", Proceedings of Common Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA) and Greek Committee for Water Resources Management (GCWRM), Volos 27-30 May 2009, Greece, Vol. 2, pp. 937-944.
36.Georgoulas, T. Miliou, P. Angelidis and N. Kotsovinos (2009), "Numerical Simulation of Turbidity Currents Using Methods of Computational Fluid Dynamics", Proceedings of Common Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA) and Greek Committee for Water Resources Management (GCWRM), Volos 27-30 May 2009, Greece, Vol. 1, pp. 411-418.
37.ILIOPOULOS K., CHARITOPOULOS S., HRISSANTHOU V., ANGELIDIS P., and KOTSOVINOS N. (2009). “Construction of Isoerodent Curves for a Transboundary Basin”. EWRA 7th International Conference on Water Resources Conservancy and Risk Reduction Under Climatic Uncertainty, 25-27/6/2009, Limassol, Cyprus (pp. 63-70).
38.MYSTAKIDIS G., LALIKIDOU S., HRISSANTHOU V., ANGELIDIS P., and KOTSOVINOS N. (2009). “Computation of Hydrographs in Evros River Basin”.EWRA 7th International Conference on Water Resources Conservancy and Risk Reduction Under Climatic Uncertainty, 25-27/6/2009, Limassol, Cyprus (pp. 223-229). 39.GEORGOULAS A., TZANAKIS T., ANGELIDIS P., PANAGIOTIDIS T., and KOTSOVINOS N. (2009). “Numerical Simulation of Suspended Sediment Transport and Dispersal from Evros River into the North Aegean Sea, by the Mechanism of Turbidity Currents”. 11th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (CEST2009), pp. 343-350, 3-5/9/2009, Chania, Crete, Greece.
40.GEORGOULAS A., ANGELIDIS P., KOTSOVINOS N., and PANAGIOTIDIS T. (2010). “Numerical Investigation of Fresh Water-Suspended Sediment Mixtures Discharging into Saline Ambient Water”. 6th International Symposium on Environmental Hydraulics, pp. 547-552, 23-25/6/2010, Athens, Greece.
41.KOPASAKIS K., ANGELIDIS P., GEORGOULAS A., and KOTSOVINOS N. (2010). “Hydrodynamic Simulation of the Brackish Waters Discharge from the Dardanelles Straits into the North Aegean Sea”. 4th International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, pp. 312-319, 7-10/7/2010, Athens, Greece.
42.ANGELIDIS P., BALANIS E., HRISSANTHOU V. and KOTSOVINOS N. (2011). “Comparison of Drought Indices for a Transboundary Basin”. EWRA 6th International Symposium on Water Engineering and Management in a Changing Environment, 29/6-2/7/2011, Catania, Italy.
43.Xeidakis G.S., Georgoulas A., Kotsovinos N., Delimani P. and Varaggouli E. (2010), "Environmental degradation of coastal zone of the west part of Nestos River Delta, N. Greece”, Proceedings of the 12th International Congress of the Geological Society of Greece, Athens 2010, in Bulletin Geol. Soc. Greece 2010.
44.G.S. Xeidakis, A. Georgoulas, N. Kotsovinos & E. Varagouli (2010), "Human interventions and degradation of the coastal zone of Nestos River Delta, North Aegean Sea, N. Greece", Geologically Active – 11th International Congress of the IAEG, Sep 5 – 10, 2010, Auckland, New Zealand, Williams et al. (eds) © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-60034-7, pp. 797-804.
45.Tsalkatidou M, Gratziou M, Kotsovinos NE Septage treatment using a combined waste stabilization ponds - vertical flow constructed wetland system", CEMEPE2011: 103-108, (Jun 2011)
46.Hrissanthou V., Andredaki M, Georgoulas A., Kotsovinos N. (2011), “Impact of reservoir sedimentation on coastal erosion in the case of Nestos River”, International Conference on the Status and Future of the World’s Large Rivers, 11‐14 April 2011, Vienna.
47.Georgoulas A., Kopasakis K., Angelidis P., and Kotsovinos N. (2012), “Numerical Investigation of constant-volume turbidity currents response, in the variation of the initial suspended sediment grain-size and composition”, Proceedings of 2nd Common Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA) and Greek Committee for Water Resources Management (GCWRM), Patras, Greece, 11-13 October 2012 (Status: Accepted for publication).
48.Angelidis P., Kotsikas M., Georgoulas A., Kopasakis K. and Kotsovinos N. (2012), “Non-constructional interventions for flood protection in the tranboundary river Evros: The importance of rational dam management”, Proceedings of 2nd Common Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA) and Greek Committee for Water Resources Management (GCWRM), Patras, Greece, 11-13 October 2012 (Status: Accepted for bublication).
49.Kopasakis K., Georgoulas A., Angelidis P., Kotsovinos N. (2012), “Numerical simulation of the long-term transport, dispersion and accumulation of Black Sea Pollutants in the coastal regions of the North-Aegean Sea, through the Dardanelles Straits”, Proceedings of 2nd Common Conference of Hellenic Hydrotechnical Association (HHA) and Greek Committee for Water Resources Management (GCWRM), Patras, Greece, 11-13 October 2012
50.Kopasakis K., Georgoulas A., Angelidis P. and Kotsovinos N. (2012) “Numerical simulation of the fate and accumulation οf suspended solids originated from the Black Sea into the North Aegean coastal area”, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Protection and Restoration of the Environment, PRE-XI, Thessaloniki, Greece 2012, pp. 806-815.