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* Kotti V.K. and Rigas A.G., 2004, Improving the performance of a stochastic model by incorporating a non-linear term: application

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* Kotti V.K. and Rigas A.G., 2005, Logistic Regression Methods and their Implementation. In  Edler L. and Kitsos C.P. (Eds.)

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* Karavasilis G.J., Kotti V.K., Tsitsis D.S., Vassiliadis V.G. and Rigas A.G., 2005, Statistical methods and software for

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* Vassiliadis V.G. and Rigas A.G., 2006, Consistent estimates of third-order spectral density function of a stationary point

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* Rigas A.G.  and Vassiliadis V.G., 2007, A semi-parametric approach for comparing the estimated spectra of two stationary point

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* Karavasilis G.J.,and Rigas A.G., 2007, Pointwise confidence intervals for certain modified parameters of stationary point processes. Applications to a complex neurophysiological system. JP J.  Biostat., 1(2), 155-166.



* Kotti, V.K. Rigas, A.G., 2008, A Monte Carlo method used for the identification of the muscle spindle, in: Deutsch, A., Bravo de la Parra, R., Boer, R.J., Diekmann, O., Jagers, P., Kisdi, E., Kretzschmar, M., Lansky, P., Metz, H. (Eds.), Mathematical Modeling of Biological Systems, Volume II. Birkhauser, Boston, pp. 237-243.
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* Vassiliadis V.G. and Rigas A.G.  2009, A semi-parametric test based on a quasi-likelihood approach for comparing the estimated spectra of two stationary point processes. Neurocomputing, 72, 3212-3219.



* Vassiliadis V.G. and Rigas A.G. 2009, A new formulation of the Hinich's bispectral test for linearity based on a novel Q-Q plot

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* Karavasilis G.J.,and Rigas A.G., 2009, The use of nonparametric methods of stationary point processes in the study of complex interactions in Neuromuscular system. Biological Systems, 17(4), 577-595.

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* Halliday D.M., Rosenberg J.R., Rigas  A. and Conway B.A., 2009, A periodogram-based test for weak stationarity and consistency between sections in time series, Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 180,138–146.



* A.G. Rigas and V.G. Vassiliadis, 2009, A non-parametric test based on cumulative periodograms for comparing two neural spike trains, Biometrie und Medizinische Informatik, 15, 103-111.

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