ΣΙΜΟΣ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΙΤΕΙΟ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΘΡΑΚΗΣ ΒΙΩΜΑΤΙΚΑ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑ   • Ο βιωματικός χαρακτήρας των εργαστηρίων βασίζεται στη σωματικότητα και τη σκηνική αυτοσχέδια δράση και λειτουργεί ως εφαλτήριο για την ανακάλυψη των εκφραστικών μέσων (σώμα, φωνή, λόγος) των συμμετεχόντων και τις πρόβες των παραστάσεων. • Τα εργαστήρια συνδέονται με το δραματολόγιο και ειδικότερα με το συγκεκριμένο θεατρικό έργο ή project που έχει επιλεγεί και καταλήγουν σε παράσταση.    Θεματολογία Τα εργαστήρια και οι πρόβες αναπτύσσονται με βάση τη θεματολογία της θεατρικής έρευνας και της τέχνης του ηθοποιού. ● Ο θεατρικός συγγραφέας (οι διαστάσεις του έργου του, βασικές αρχές της θεατρικής συγγραφής) ● Δραματουργική επεξεργασία κειμένου.  ● Παραστασιολογική ανάλυση. Από το θεατρικό έργο στη θεατρική παράσταση. Κώδικες της παράστασης ● Θεατρική παράσταση και θεατρική επικοινωνία ● Η συμμετοχική παράσταση ως βιωματική εμπειρία  ● Ο σκηνοθέτης (ο σκηνοθέτης ως ρυθμιστής της παράστασης, η πολλαπλή ‘ανάγνωση’ του έργου, το έργο και η εποχή του, η διανομή των ρόλων, η εμψύχωση των συντελεστών της παράστασης, οι πρόβες)  ● Ο ηθοποιός (τα εκφραστικά μέσα – σώμα, φωνή και λόγος)  ● Τα σημεία της όψης (Σκηνογραφία – φωτισμοί,  Κοστούμια, Μουσική - ήχοι, Χορογραφία,  Μακιγιάζ)  ● Οι συντελεστές της παράστασης και η έρευνα του θεατρικού έργου  ● Εργαστήρια συγγραφής και υποκριτικής                       DEMOCRITUS UNIVERSITY OF THRACEGREECE    DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION SCIENCES IN PRE-SCHOOL AGE  ALEXANDROUPOLIS   Grading paper   Subject : “Theatrical education”   Lecturer: Prof. Simos Papadopoulos   A report on the topic:  The art of theatrical play   Written by: Mariana Dimieva    Erasmus student from Bulgaria, enrolled for the spring semester of 2015/2016   Alexandroupolis 2016     Hello stranger, do you remember me? I am Mariana, the free soul you have met so many times. Are you ready to jump on the magic carpet of my next adventure, huh? Yes, then follow me.  This time we are going to visit the beautiful country of Greece! What am I going to there, you would ask? I am opening the newest chapter of my adventure called life – I started an Erasmus program. So I will reside in the city of Alexandroupolis for the next three or so months.   As you know I am an easy going, outspoken person, which strangely suffers from anxiety. I love meeting new people but I am afraid of them at the same time. As far as I know I am not going to attend classes, so I get to explore the city on my own….. wait… stop…what..?!?!?! Okay, I do have to attend a class – Theatre class….. oh, my! Breathe in.. breathe out. I can do this.   I am standing in front of the classroom. They call it Θεμέλιο. Okay, it cannot be that bad. I am waiting for the professor and my classmates to come. As I wait anxiety strikes back: “What am I gonna do? I don’t speak the language?!! How are we going to communicate? What if they don’t like me???” “SHUT UP!!” I yell at myself as I hear steps coming down the stairs. Then I see him – professor Simos Papadopoulos who greets me with the biggest smile, taking away my fears. He introduces me to a girl named Martha who is going to translate for me in the classes. I instantly like her. She feels like my type of person.  The class begins and I take the instant decision to abandon my fears and just to feel the atmosphere of the class. The classroom is in the basement, full of artificial lights but feels strangely comforting. We are a total of five girls. Prof. Papadopoulos is talking. I try to focus on his voice, it’s calming. I catch some of the words. Martha translates for me, but strangely there is no need. Somehow deep inside I understand what he means. But enough talking, it is ready for action. The true part of the class starts. Prof. Papadopoulos changes his clothes, now he is wearing a white plain pants and white shirt. The sense of unreality becomes stronger and stronger as if I am a part of a dream. We put a huge white canvas-type sheet on the floor – this is going to be our stage. Lights are off, just a few small projectors. We start slowly, just moving around the room, instinctively gathering together. In a couple of minutes’ music starts and have a new task, to follow the rhythm and to tell story in couples. Throughout the class prof. Papadopoulos implements more and more elements – a few benches, an improvised “door”, colorful scarfs. At the end we are telling the never-ending story of good and bad, light and shadow, evil and angels, running around, using everything around. I am exalted, like a five-year-old. It feels like I understand myself and the world more. It is time for our next class. I am looking forward to learning new things about the art of theatre. I have always enjoyed going to theatres and seeing every new play that is played in my town and have always admired the actors. Now I can feel as a part of this miracle. Every class is like opening a new door in this brand new world. Today we are retelling the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice. Prof. Papadopoulos told us the legend and we started the strangest workshop ever. With the time passing I realized that everything we did was showing us how Orpheus felt on his quest – wandering in the dark, losing the love of his life, having her for a moment and then losing her again this time forever. Our teacher showed us how to emphasize the emotion by using lights, music, color and body language. With every class I feel more secure about myself and reading and sending the right signals.  Another Tuesday is on its way. I am on my way to my new favorite class. This time there are a lot of people in front of the classroom. The anxiety monster that was sleeping for the last 2-3 weeks shook its head and roared a little. “Shhh”. Today’s class is going to be different. There are a lot of new faces, boys and girls from other departments. I decide to take pictures and videos to keep the moment fresh in my memory. Today’s topic is Vanka by Anton Chekhov. I take a step back and just sink in the moment. These classes make me realize that I don’t need to know the language to hear a story. I am amused by the way my classmates walk around the classroom, how they move, their face expressions. Music, light, actors, it all becomes one. Theatre manages to make us one, no matter of gender, age or nationality. The class comes to an end. Everybody is silent, evaluating the situation. I strongly believe that classes like that make us better people, they help us express our inner true self, teach us not to be afraid of the unknown, of the “humor”, of being silly. Theatre is art, it inspires and creates magi               The art of theatrical inspiration
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Τελευταία ενημέρωση:24/07/2016
14Η ΜΕΡΑ - ΧΩΡΟΣ ΤΕΧΝΗΣ/ περίοδος 2016- 2017
Εργαστήριο Θεάτρου  ΠΑΥΣΙΣ
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